OMG, I just realized I blog. I'm not sure if that's bad or good really. I just know that somewhere, i may be against it. bah, who cares? I'm here!!!! You know, i've recently found out that I am not all here in the head region. My defects go as follows: I'm Neurotic, OCD (getting worse), i have a selective memory, selective hearing, i suffer from Insomnia, I have an inferiority complex, and I'm a geek. ok, so the last one is more normal than the rest, but still. I'm fucked up in the head. The problem is, the more stress I'm under, the worse all of those defects gets. Meh, what can ya do? Oh, that's right, I smoke pot. Bwahahahahhaa!!!!!!
thankyou for the namedrop on gazongas!