WEll, It's been a while so i figure time for a new RANT!
If you're like me, you suffer from (to some degree or another) something called ROAD RAGE.
Let me give you an example....I was driving to Boston yesterday for work and I was in the fast lane, going as fast as I could behind the long line of traffic...well, the guy behind me decided he's going to toss my cars salad (aka eat its ass) by driving so close I couldn't see lower then his windshield. ...
So, being the lovely lady I am, I spiked my breaks and then slowed down even more. Fuck that guy and fuck TAILGAITING! Honestly, people suck...if I could've gone faster I would have bud. I hope people like that tailgate themselves into a guard rail.
Alas, until next time, drive safe kids.
If you're like me, you suffer from (to some degree or another) something called ROAD RAGE.
Let me give you an example....I was driving to Boston yesterday for work and I was in the fast lane, going as fast as I could behind the long line of traffic...well, the guy behind me decided he's going to toss my cars salad (aka eat its ass) by driving so close I couldn't see lower then his windshield. ...
So, being the lovely lady I am, I spiked my breaks and then slowed down even more. Fuck that guy and fuck TAILGAITING! Honestly, people suck...if I could've gone faster I would have bud. I hope people like that tailgate themselves into a guard rail.
Alas, until next time, drive safe kids.
so mary annes isnt townies really... its more like snob pricks? Yea i hear you... with the right people crowds can be fun, but they can also suck royally. my friends and i get nutty sometimes but i dunno what you would concider nutty? haha. yea if you are with a bday you get these hat things i think. i coulda sworn i saw people walking around with them. uggg i think my brother broke my space bar... it isnt working correctly. yea it kinda is a shame... id like to meet you sometime, and id go there just to do so, but 2 things... even if id go just to meet you, my friends would prolly never go back there again, and i would not go by myself haha. and i hate meeting people for the first times at places like that cuz you dont get to talk or anything. usually its dinner for me the first time i meet people. good food, a few beers, and a chance to talk. and yea i need to get to that damn gym one of these days, but after getting up so early for working and lifting stuff all day, i just wanna sit down after work. and bleh to your light beer! i drink it sometimes, usually when im low on cash flow. ive developed a taste for japanese beer since i was over there. its mostly light beer but not made from the same ingrediants. ok enough about beerology! so tell me something about yourself that i would never guess?
most people seem to be afraid of spiders... im not really, there however are some insects that i really dislike. i dont like heights as well but i am over them alot more from when i was young. i wouldnt go down escalators even hahaha. so where have you lived? ive lived here ALL of my life cept for the 5 years that i lived in western mass... but that was just for school. hahah bsb! thats cool, i think the first one i went to is ummmmmmm hmmmmm river rave 94? its like a wbcn concert thingy they had with like god lives underwater, and offspring, and jimmies chicken shack and like 30 other bands. so what makes you think that you act like a bitch? you havent even given me a hint of that. hahahah you wont wear the hat at lqs? i believe that ying ling is chinese... but im not 100%. i really like sapporo/dark and kirin ichiban. ichi beru kudosai!!!! (one more beer please). what is common beer, ive never heard of that one before. haha but yea im drinking miller light right now and its pretty damn tasty. i guess it all depends on how quick i wanna get drunk whether or not i drink light beers. so yea without sounding like a complete shithead, haha im dumb, i was kinda thinkin you were gonna say something bout hangin out sometime, because you said it was a shame that i wasnt going to the lq store.. ok im hiding now cuz im kinda shy, but yea. forget i said anything. but anyway i hope class went well, ima go draw up some more tattoos for myself. i hope to hear from you soon madame.