Okay. I'm pissed.
Some jerkoff in Florida has written a newspaper column dissing diminutive porn star Bridget "The Midget" Powerz' appearance at a University disability rights event entitled "Building A Disability Movement" on the basis that she is "not a good role model."
Some excerpts:
In case you haven't heard, former porn star Bridget "the Midget" Powerz spoke at the "Building a DisAbility Movement" conference in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom on Thursday.
After all, according to Bethany Stevens, president of the Union of Students with Disabilities, midget porn is "just sex. It's just expression ...
Not only is it just sexual expression to Stevens, but she believes it should be a socially acceptable expression.
According to the Alligator report, Stevens said "we should all watch midget porn. It's fun.
Fun for whom? Fun for the actress who dehumanizes herself as some sexual circus freak?
What a perversion of everything a disabilities union should stand for!
In an earlier Alligator story, Stevens was quoted as saying to a crowd, "About 80 percent of you will become disabled some time in your life. You might as well become self-actualized and expect it and respect it."
What Powerz does is the opposite. She becomes her disability. She is Bridget "the Midget." And then she takes her disability, now her whole person, and makes it a fetish for others.
Bridget "the Midget" Powerz is the antithesis of self-actualization. She is a tragic example of the objectification of a human being.
Objectified? By whom? The writer of the piece it seems to me. I don't know where to begin.
*takes a deep breath*
Okay, here we go...
Pamela Anderson is a freak...how many women look like that? But nobody is saying she shouldn't use her "freakiness" to make money.
Virtually all professional athletes are freaks. We pay 'em millions for it! No one says you're exploiting the poor 8 foot tall basketball player. I've never understood why it's ok to "exploit" someone or yourself for that matter for their brain but not for your body. It's ok to work for 10 hours a day using my brain at some job I hate but its exploitative to use ones body to make money as a porn star or at a sideshow?
It's double standard puritanical BS.
Why shouldn't Powerz have the right to decide to express her sexuality any damn way she pleases? Personally, we've had enough de-sexed crips in the media to last me a few dozen lifetimes. Again, it appears to self righteous people who feel obliged to speak for us that we can be either tragic or heroic, but heaven forbid, any attempt at open sexuality.
If you pardon the expression, screw that!
Criticizing the porn industry is one thing, we can go 'round and 'round on that one, but it seems like this guy is eeked out specifically because of her disability. Just because this jerk is uncomfortable with a disabled woman flaunting her sexuality doesn't mean she isn't a proper role model.
In fact, largely because of this nonsense like this, Bridget Powerz just became one of mine.
talk about fetish what about guys that sit around all weekend watching sports on television on their fat asses but of course that is acceptable. as a society we really are lame....