When was the last time a comic book brought you to tears? I'm not talking, "how'd they screw that up sooooooo badly ..." We've seen far too much of that lately (think film versions of THE HULK, DAREDEVIL, ELEKTRA...)
No, I'm talkin' in a good way. A very good way.
Well... Get out your hankies.
We3 is simply amazing. 'Tis a three issue limited series that just finished its run. I read about it on some comic book geek grrl blog somewhere a week or so ago and picked it up on eBay. Wow.
I don't want to spoil too much ... but the themes We3 touches on from friendship, loyalty, love of home, animal testing, warfare... are as broad as they are universal. Even a blabber-mouth like me doesn't quite have words to describe it.
Brilliantly done.
Want more? Here's a review:
Go on over to eBay and get yours now.
No, I'm talkin' in a good way. A very good way.
Well... Get out your hankies.

We3 is simply amazing. 'Tis a three issue limited series that just finished its run. I read about it on some comic book geek grrl blog somewhere a week or so ago and picked it up on eBay. Wow.
I don't want to spoil too much ... but the themes We3 touches on from friendship, loyalty, love of home, animal testing, warfare... are as broad as they are universal. Even a blabber-mouth like me doesn't quite have words to describe it.
Brilliantly done.
Want more? Here's a review:
Go on over to eBay and get yours now.
Sounds really wonderful, Bratty. Got my hanky right here.
(PS: My weekend o' love was down right heavenly. Thanks for the, er, words of encouragement, my friend.)