Yours Truly and Bizarro Dan Piraro Storm The Stage At The Legendary Friars Club In Beautiful Downtown Beverly Hills Prior to the 20th Anniversary Genesis Awards! BE THE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCK TO BUY DAN'S NEW BOOK! Order Here NOW!
Hey fools ... I officiate my first wedding tonight. Could it be a new sideline? Just call me Reverend Larry. No matter how far I wander, I guess I'll never stray too far from my trailer park roots. Yes, my friends, that is a good thing.
Been a busy, dizzy time. In the last few -- or next few -- weeks I've been up to the following:
NYU Forum on Social Justice & Activism
Date: March 25 Topic: Sexualizing Disability
Animal Welfare Forum
Date: March 26 Topic: Canadian Seal Hunt
Columbia University Seminar on Disability Studies
Date: April 3 Topic: Disability & Humor
Lantern Books Film Screening
Date: April 18 Topic: Challenging the Charity Mentality
Whew... tiring at times, but I must admit I love it. Some mighty powerful mojo at work these daze. Gotta go with the groove.
Damn. Wish I had some crazy fan freaks to watch Wrestlemaina XXII with. Shenannigans inside the 'squared circle' sure have changed since I was 10, but then again, so have I.
Well, a little...
Speaking of shennanigans, I almost neglected to mention the big event on April 5th. Tsk, tsk. If around, be sure to check out the official launch of of the disTHIS! Film Series: disability through a whole new lens No handkerchiefs required. Thank gawd.

So tell me brothers and sisters ... what's new with you?????
Hell yeah, it was great running into you! Sorry you're still without internet, man, that sucks. But yeah, keep in touch -- I'm always down with Red Bamboo!