Going from the flu to pneumonia should not be defined as progress by anyone.
My meditation instructor was correct:
Breathing IS fundamental.

I was able to drag my sorry, sickly ass out to host the preview party for our new monthly film series, disTHIS! Disability Through A Whole New Lens. Think of it as Murderball monthly. Disability w/o the diagnosis. Putting novel things like plot, charecterization and direction before timeworn traditions like tear-inducing pathos and manipulative violin cresendos.
The event rawked -- even in my weakened state. Very well attended. Stellar response. Didn't hear anything remotely negative following the screening - except the observation, "I don't know if I was prepared for all that sex!"
F'ing brilliant!
If that's our biggest problem the project is right on course. Stay tuned for more.
I'd love to have been at disThis, how was it? Shame I'm not in NYC, we should hang & talk disabled world politics over a beer.
Dunno about you, but the SG disabled momentum makes me smile a good smile, Amina, Hedy especially. Their work is so damn important, interesting to watch reactions, or lack of, maybe the non-reactions are most interesting. Sexy kicks disability's ass everytime, which is good I think.
where in indiana are you from?
[Edited on Mar 29, 2006 2:24PM]