So... Took a lil' longer than twelve days. Lord. Whatta ride.
My cpu died. Just crapped out one day without warning or fanfare. Couldn't access SG from work b/c Symantec seems to find some of the content here "offensive." What's up with that?

Sincere apologies for all the birthday/holiday/new years messages I failed to send. Nothing personal, I swear.
Since I've been gone (did I just paraphrase Kelly Clarkson?) from SG, well, you know about London (yes, it was brilliant!) ... here's the highlights of what else has gone down in my life:
In mid-December, 'twas interviewed by NPR's Weekend America on the touchy subject of disability and humor. My take on the subject was not quite what the producers expected. Bwah ha!
I've been hard at work putting up content over at Ragged Edge on a variety of hot button topics including the Politics of Popcorn, the bigotry exposed by Dick Clark's return to TV, and one Dane's brave fight for your right to screw. Check 'em out.
Cat and I have been neck deep into 70's paranoid cinema as of late also. My favorite era. Thus far we've watched The Parallax View, Three Days of the Condor and Network. Jeeezas! Fabulous fucking stuff. Prophetic! Why weren't we paying attention? I blame Reagan (Ronald, not the SG!), Bill Gates and American Idol.
Any suggestions for the next round?
Just read Ben Elton's Gridlock and Dry, a sequel of sorts to Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. Each come highly recommended. But Caveat Emptor, dear readers, know your subject matter and what you're in for.
Or don't. It is often more fun that way...
That's what happened when I sat down to watch Tom Yum Goong, a Thai movie about an ass-kicking elephant protector. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wanna beat someone around the ears with elephant bones. Quite unique.

Gotta head o'er and out for now, kids. But I missed you fuckers.
Please tell me... How be you?
What/Who are those?
I'll be there, unless I skip town for some mid-week snowboarding.