What a freakin' week! The I'm Spazticus screening rocked! Looking forward to doing more film screenings and talk back sessions this fall, but the real chaos kicked in the day after...
Last Sunday, over 200 chickens were seized from an empty lot in Brooklyn, NY. These chickens were left to die in inclement weather conditions after being discarded following the observance of the Jewish kaparot rite by vendors camped outside. The ritual, which is not biblically or talmudically ordained, is observed on Yom Kippur by flinging a chicken around over ones head while saying a prayer. The bird is offered in exchange for divine mercy and a peaceful life, then killed.
Even years of activism could not prepare me for what I encountered when I first saw these unfortunate birds. Severed toes, missing eyes and the stifling stench of urine and feces were overwhelming. Sadly, this is probably only a small part of what the chickens had to endure after spending days outside, exposed to the elements.
When discovered languishing near the site, over 270 chickens were crammed into crates, stacked on top of another. They were encrusted with feces, urine and blood. Most were severely dehydrated. Some suffered from injured limbs and eyes. An investigation is ongoing.
Then on Monday, October 17th, Satya Magazine staff and I transported the 200-plus survivors to temporary housing at the Catskill Animal Sanctuary. With the help of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary's director Jenny Brown and volunteer Kirstie Gholson all the birds were given initial health examinations and basic care. We are awaiting results from blood tests that were conducted to check for disease.
What You Can Do:
1. Volunteers will be transporting many of the birds to the Eastern Shore Sanctuary and United Poultry Concerns but more homes are desperately needed for these broiler hens and roosters. If you or anyone else you know can help find homes-even just one or two are lives saved-please contact Kymberlie Adams at: 718-928-8495. She'll make sure you get them.
2. Monetary donations are needed to help us transport the birds in rented trucks to shelters as far away as North Carolina. And as you know, even Budget Rental isn't cheap. Whatever you can give-$10, $20, $100..every little bit helps-will be greatly appreciated.
For more info, please contact me at: LCL@PosterBrat.com or Kymberlie Adams at: kymberlie@satyamag.com
Donations for transportation and housing are being sent directly to Kymberlie's PayPal account. Animal advocates can donate to the upkeep and transportation effort by clicking here and sending their donation to kymberlie@satyamag.com
A Times-Herald Record newspaper article on the effort can be found here:
Big love to all...
Last Sunday, over 200 chickens were seized from an empty lot in Brooklyn, NY. These chickens were left to die in inclement weather conditions after being discarded following the observance of the Jewish kaparot rite by vendors camped outside. The ritual, which is not biblically or talmudically ordained, is observed on Yom Kippur by flinging a chicken around over ones head while saying a prayer. The bird is offered in exchange for divine mercy and a peaceful life, then killed.
Even years of activism could not prepare me for what I encountered when I first saw these unfortunate birds. Severed toes, missing eyes and the stifling stench of urine and feces were overwhelming. Sadly, this is probably only a small part of what the chickens had to endure after spending days outside, exposed to the elements.
When discovered languishing near the site, over 270 chickens were crammed into crates, stacked on top of another. They were encrusted with feces, urine and blood. Most were severely dehydrated. Some suffered from injured limbs and eyes. An investigation is ongoing.
Then on Monday, October 17th, Satya Magazine staff and I transported the 200-plus survivors to temporary housing at the Catskill Animal Sanctuary. With the help of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary's director Jenny Brown and volunteer Kirstie Gholson all the birds were given initial health examinations and basic care. We are awaiting results from blood tests that were conducted to check for disease.

What You Can Do:
1. Volunteers will be transporting many of the birds to the Eastern Shore Sanctuary and United Poultry Concerns but more homes are desperately needed for these broiler hens and roosters. If you or anyone else you know can help find homes-even just one or two are lives saved-please contact Kymberlie Adams at: 718-928-8495. She'll make sure you get them.
2. Monetary donations are needed to help us transport the birds in rented trucks to shelters as far away as North Carolina. And as you know, even Budget Rental isn't cheap. Whatever you can give-$10, $20, $100..every little bit helps-will be greatly appreciated.
For more info, please contact me at: LCL@PosterBrat.com or Kymberlie Adams at: kymberlie@satyamag.com
Donations for transportation and housing are being sent directly to Kymberlie's PayPal account. Animal advocates can donate to the upkeep and transportation effort by clicking here and sending their donation to kymberlie@satyamag.com
A Times-Herald Record newspaper article on the effort can be found here:

Big love to all...
P.S. if you want letters, join the Penpal group!!