Film Screening & Discussion: Can Disability Be Funny? 10/15 @ 3pm
Join me, the Disabilities Network of NYC and the Visible Theatre for a screening of Jamie O'Leary's I'm Spazticus followed by a discussion on humor and disability as a part of the Visible Theatre's excellent October Series at the Blue Heron Arts Center, 123 East 24th Street on Saturday, October 15 @ 3pm.
What is "I'm Spazticus" you ask? If you've seen me speak at a conference or media appearance, you already know. To those who haven't, imagine MTV's Punk'd meets Candid Camera featuring the disabled equivalent of Monty Python and you'd be pretty close.
"I'm Spazticus" was broadcast to great acclaim last Spring on the UK's Channel 4 during their much loved 'Comedy Lab' series. Inspired by the everyday interactions faced by crips the world over, this unique, often hilarious, 30 minute prank show turns the tables on the unsuspecting able-bodied public as they encounter disabled actors in the most outlandish situations. Amputees at the beach as a part of "Shark Awareness Week," diminutive police officers in little cars in hot pursuit and much more... What could be funnier?
Following the screening I'll facilitate a talkback session which dares to ask, "Can Disability Be Funny?" where we'll examine the evolution of people with disabilities from court jesters and objects of ridicule to current examples of disability in popular culture where disabled artists are reclaiming comedy on their own terms.
The event is wheelchair accessible.
Donation at door. Reservations required.
For more information on this program or the other events presented by the Visible Theatre during October, including Krankenhaus Blues -- a frightening, funny and surreal new play about disability, genocide and the grim realities of show business by Sam Forman, call 212-615-6989 to RSVP or visit Visible Theatre online.
See You F'ers Saturday!

Join me, the Disabilities Network of NYC and the Visible Theatre for a screening of Jamie O'Leary's I'm Spazticus followed by a discussion on humor and disability as a part of the Visible Theatre's excellent October Series at the Blue Heron Arts Center, 123 East 24th Street on Saturday, October 15 @ 3pm.
What is "I'm Spazticus" you ask? If you've seen me speak at a conference or media appearance, you already know. To those who haven't, imagine MTV's Punk'd meets Candid Camera featuring the disabled equivalent of Monty Python and you'd be pretty close.
"I'm Spazticus" was broadcast to great acclaim last Spring on the UK's Channel 4 during their much loved 'Comedy Lab' series. Inspired by the everyday interactions faced by crips the world over, this unique, often hilarious, 30 minute prank show turns the tables on the unsuspecting able-bodied public as they encounter disabled actors in the most outlandish situations. Amputees at the beach as a part of "Shark Awareness Week," diminutive police officers in little cars in hot pursuit and much more... What could be funnier?
Following the screening I'll facilitate a talkback session which dares to ask, "Can Disability Be Funny?" where we'll examine the evolution of people with disabilities from court jesters and objects of ridicule to current examples of disability in popular culture where disabled artists are reclaiming comedy on their own terms.
The event is wheelchair accessible.
Donation at door. Reservations required.
For more information on this program or the other events presented by the Visible Theatre during October, including Krankenhaus Blues -- a frightening, funny and surreal new play about disability, genocide and the grim realities of show business by Sam Forman, call 212-615-6989 to RSVP or visit Visible Theatre online.
See You F'ers Saturday!
Maybe you just have a recognizable kind of face... I was veddyveddy active with the GP (national, local, state, etc.) but never went to an animal rights' conference.