So, ive been in Iraq for about 3 days now. Got used to the part of the base Im at. Went to get my scratched eye checked out, I was lucky it healed up fine. Got settled in my room. Sent out my address, ask if you didnt get it. Got my new guitar ordered, its gonna kick ass, lol. And went on my first mission today.
We started at 8am, making sure we were all out at the vehicles, then we designated which vehicle will be ours, made sure it had what we needed, or got what we didnt have. The we made sure all our radios were in sync. Had the weapons set up. Then started it.....
It was interesting being in this country. The mindset used to be stay away from us or you will die, because we were being shot at or blown up left and right, now we have to share the road with them. They know by now to stay away from us, cause we will keep a good eye on them if they get too close.
The setting was also weird, its messy here, I mean a total pig pen. there is garbage everywhere, borken down vehicles, dead animals, wild dogs.
There are guys in the side of the road selling arabic versions of pepsi, mt dew, and other stuff, along with water. There are iraqi Police/Iraqi army checkpoints all over the place, and as U.S Army we get to fly through them. The people on the road get the hell out of the way when we come through, its nice, lol. There is grass, its not a total desert, also trees and wees and water, like the Tigris River(just dont go swimming in it....). Its really cool on our base, there is a palace, one of Saddams palaces, but 2 of his sons lived in it, now its ours. right next to that is a man-made lake, that saddam had built, the place used to be an oasis. Guys here actually go fishing in it, Bass, Catfish, Eels, and other fish were imported into it.
So it is kinda interesting being here, and a cultural learning experience, lol. But cant wait to come home. Now I have to go, a guy forgot his (mm handgun at another base and we are about to get smoked for it............
A day later....
So I got to see where Saddam Hussein was hanged, where his trial was held, the biggest US embassy in the world, the giant crass sabres in Iraq, the tomb of the unknown soldier, a bunch of statues, the Baghdad Tower, scary ass intersections where i could have been shot at from every direction, a bunch of donkey carts(lol), the new star trek on haji dvd(lol), and i think that was pretty much it, i also seen more palaces, i wish i had my camera, there was a lot of cool shit to see
We started at 8am, making sure we were all out at the vehicles, then we designated which vehicle will be ours, made sure it had what we needed, or got what we didnt have. The we made sure all our radios were in sync. Had the weapons set up. Then started it.....
It was interesting being in this country. The mindset used to be stay away from us or you will die, because we were being shot at or blown up left and right, now we have to share the road with them. They know by now to stay away from us, cause we will keep a good eye on them if they get too close.
The setting was also weird, its messy here, I mean a total pig pen. there is garbage everywhere, borken down vehicles, dead animals, wild dogs.
There are guys in the side of the road selling arabic versions of pepsi, mt dew, and other stuff, along with water. There are iraqi Police/Iraqi army checkpoints all over the place, and as U.S Army we get to fly through them. The people on the road get the hell out of the way when we come through, its nice, lol. There is grass, its not a total desert, also trees and wees and water, like the Tigris River(just dont go swimming in it....). Its really cool on our base, there is a palace, one of Saddams palaces, but 2 of his sons lived in it, now its ours. right next to that is a man-made lake, that saddam had built, the place used to be an oasis. Guys here actually go fishing in it, Bass, Catfish, Eels, and other fish were imported into it.
So it is kinda interesting being here, and a cultural learning experience, lol. But cant wait to come home. Now I have to go, a guy forgot his (mm handgun at another base and we are about to get smoked for it............
A day later....
So I got to see where Saddam Hussein was hanged, where his trial was held, the biggest US embassy in the world, the giant crass sabres in Iraq, the tomb of the unknown soldier, a bunch of statues, the Baghdad Tower, scary ass intersections where i could have been shot at from every direction, a bunch of donkey carts(lol), the new star trek on haji dvd(lol), and i think that was pretty much it, i also seen more palaces, i wish i had my camera, there was a lot of cool shit to see
Hooray! You're a doll <3
yay for pink hair
glad you like the accent, i'm pretty bored with it!