"They Suck!" Now this opinion is purely based off of two factors. "As seen on T.V.," and "Real Life." Without getting too graphic, or "Overly Skuzzy," known as "Scummy;" The portrayal I have found on television, movies, and other forms of digital and printed media ( <.<......>.>.....<.<...... : D ); is that they are " The Icing On The Cake," and "The Cherry On Top." As well they are Portrayed as to "add flair" to every sexual experience "In the bedroom;" by way of "Empowering the woman" as a mark of her "Non-PRUDE-ntial Sexual Prowess!"" ( As I have adapted from the explanation given to me by a friend of a friend, who had gotten her nipples pierced after finding out another friend of mine had hers "Done." On a breast ( or nipple I should say ;D ), certain nipple piercings ( Such as "Bars,"and "Bells" and to my surprise "Screw" shaped piercings) can make an ( excuse my lingo) "Ordinary" nipple look, "Most Triumphant," in a way that only Florescent, Acrylic, and crystal clear pieces of plastic and other materials can. *In my personal Opinion,* a nipple piercing can add flair to a breast, like a ring to a finger. ( Similar to a Push-up Bra for a cleavage lift.)
As well, on a tongue, a "stud," or piercing can make the rolling, flicking, and "flipping" ( or "tossing") of a female tongue all the more sensational. From the "clicking" noise of the "Ball" of the piercing, being grasped between her teeth, pulled, and slid from side to side. To the visually appealing "roll of the tongue," looking as if she has a gem in the center of her tongue, placed there almost "Divinely." Never moving. Always in the same spot. :D Or, when she sticks out her tongue tauntingly, demonstratively, and nervously when newly pierced. seductively showing off the new glory bestowed in her mouth. (*WHEW, that one was close, but I'll take it! ;D ) Yes these two ( or "Three," I should say.) ;p Decorative pieces, can really add a visual flair to any tongue &,......Pair..... ( MR.G! I'm callin' you on the Skuzz!* (OHHH, KAYYYYY.**) *The "Price Is Right," Loser song plays* :[ ) Yes tongue and nipple piercings can add visual flair to any tongue or pair; of breasts. (GOOD!* :D)( If that is at all possible). :D But despite the "Tantalizing Tantalization," of the eyes, and lack of stimulating the other senses, ( besides the ball clicking); in my personal opinion the one sensation that suffers in the worst way, and to me completely makes null and void these "Dermal Decorations," is the feel and sensation of "Touch."
My experience with these "Flesh Fashioning" have not been of sensual bliss, but a "Monumental Miss," of everything I would hope for. From the shock of hearing that some women lose some to "all," sensations in their nipples. To the dismay of finding that "Over Stimulation" of the nipple may cause discomfort! :( And being a man who loves "All Physical parts to a woman's body, this is a devastation of "TIT.......(MR.G!!!!)(OHHHHH, KAY!) Hahaha, this is a devastation of proportions that can only be described as "Snow that doesn't stick, or turns to slush and black ice; and you cant make a Snow-Man out of it ,and it gets your clothes all soaked and soggy, but there isn't enough to cancel school! ( :0 )( #CollegeBoy). And, tongue piercings that are being used "In the moment," feel like they should be "left out, of the moment, on the night stand, with all rings, specs., wallets & watches. (Put in the drawer, and far away from the "Magic," that is happening! ;) )
Genital piercings are a frontier which I have yet to blaze; (to me, meaning piercings below the belt.) For me, nothing that "pierces" should be anywhere near the genital region,......well, ........except for me. ;) ( MISTER JEE!)( OHHHHH-KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!) But, in the case of "Nipple piercings, and tongue piercings, yay or nay?" I say, "nay!"
~Sincerely Yours