So like my only escape form reality is music movies and I question all the time weather is this it? IS this ALL life has in store for me. There is a million things i could be doing out there. THe ambition in my heart says to get up and drive and drive till i run out of gas and then thats is that...
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Am i awake?
Am I awake?
are you asleep?
Has the whole world gone fucking mad.... What does a boy have to do to meet a girl???? I have tried and tried and all it leads to is pain and sorrow. Fuck the term there are plenty of fish in the sea...fuck the term their is some one for everyone cause i don't buy it....Love is a joke and i feel that i am...
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dood.. i don't know what to tell you about that one. All i know is that i'm sure that there are ways of going around that.... i'm sure you'll find someone worth wild... trust me dood!
I know!
I know!
Tori was absolutly fantastic. She opened with Sorta Fairytale...and gave and wonderfull perfromance as always....i am just to worked up to talk about it.

Tori uh? well, i'm want to say that i'm glad that you had wonderful time at the show lastnight.. you need to get your ass out and get a little crazy.. have fun while you are still young kid... i want to know more about the show dood!!
hit me up...
hit me up...
in a few short hours i will go see tori amos and i am.....i can't even find the words. So what else can i say...oh yeah work sucks! Have fun. Keep on truckin'!

what are you talking about? in a few hours you are going to turn into a what?
Thanks for the happy birthday.
Hope you have fun at the concert.
Hope you have fun at the concert.
yeah so now i am writing a journal entry to inform you all about my little self. What can i say? well my tori amos concert is in two days and i can't wait! I have been waiting for this forever. It is going to be awsome. Let us see...i drink bourbon...Makers Mark by choice...smoke camel lights and like to spend time on and...
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Warning!!!!! Sparkta can be very confussing to Mothers!
Warning!!!!! Mothers can be very confussing to Sparkta!

Warning!!!!! Mothers can be very confussing to Sparkta!