Well i have a new pic....i am one hella of a Franknfuter if ya ask me. Can't see my cool tattoo my roomie did but it does say boss. That was a fun night.
What makes me mad is i have like 3 other pics that i want to put up put can't cause they are to big or something another... oh well...i shall worry...
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What makes me mad is i have like 3 other pics that i want to put up put can't cause they are to big or something another... oh well...i shall worry...
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Did nothing for Turkey Day
Chilled and well did NOTHING
And it was great!!!!
Hope you all had fun!
Did nothing for Turkey Day
Chilled and well did NOTHING
And it was great!!!!
Hope you all had fun!

eh heh yes.... I get it... ugh
that was bad!

oh my god. is that you? that's an awesome picture.
let me tell you, living in C'ville, I've heard my share of stories about the legions of women who have slept with Dave Matthews
. ick ick. sorry to hear you had to deal with that!
let me tell you, living in C'ville, I've heard my share of stories about the legions of women who have slept with Dave Matthews

Hiya...Well alot has happen in the past couple of days
Got in a car accident
Tori and LOTR came out and they are awsome.
Health Inspector paid a visist at work FUN FUN
ariel added me to her friends list...I rule (cause she really is the only one who reads them so...this is for you
And I Am now getting tanked with Makers and...
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Got in a car accident
Tori and LOTR came out and they are awsome.
Health Inspector paid a visist at work FUN FUN
ariel added me to her friends list...I rule (cause she really is the only one who reads them so...this is for you

And I Am now getting tanked with Makers and...
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I just got two towers! Unfortunately I accedemtly bought Lord of the Wangs: The Two Towers.... (not really just making a joke)
A good friend of mine just got hit. Totalled her new car.
laughing is great! I love laughing!
A good friend of mine just got hit. Totalled her new car.
laughing is great! I love laughing!
well she's ok and you're ok. That's what is important.
Tori Amos............."excues me but can i be you for a while...." comes out with her new cd the 18 and i can't wait...... it will be great......she sure is pushing out the albums now let me tell ya oh well more tori is fine by me...even if it is all of her greatest redone...what am i saying they are alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll great

Tori makes me think of an ex g/f.
that makes me
Oh well!
Rock on!
that makes me

Oh well!
Rock on!

heh, no car or insurance here either
things are getting better...

SO hi I went to West Virginia the past two days for pointless meetings right....i haven't spoken to this girl in like 5 days...she call me up at the meeting on my cell and tells me to call here...i was soooooo excitied that she called that the min. i got into williamsburg i call her. She is all hanging out with friends and stuff which...
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Woot i now have 2 friends and a slight case of nearsighted retardism

mt afton?
sorry to hear about that
thanks for the birthday wishes though!
sorry to hear about that

thanks for the birthday wishes though!
be sure to ask punkrockphoto what time he went into work this morning

ok, but you'll have to come with him to Sticky Rice in Richmond!
I have absolutly no idea what that was about.
It just goes to show you that there are very rare and excepional people. Some are well educatied wheather it be in book or on the streets. Some lack no common sense but can beat you at Trival Pursuit. While the ladder conserve there steps but can't add 2 + 2. Yet no matter how hard you try, what you where, what you listen too...
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for halloween i think i am going to be hunter s thompson form fear and loathing i think it will go well just where am i going to find all the drugs and acopoco shirts in 230 in the afternoon in williamsburg?

I'm going as a generic anime chick. I guess, if I actually do anything at all.
Thanks for the complements on the tattoo!!!
I'm going as a generic anime chick. I guess, if I actually do anything at all.
Thanks for the complements on the tattoo!!!
hehe - so true!

i am going to work...this will suck ass

yes, work sucks much ass
sucks so much ass that after last night (
) I decided to take the day off.

i just got my sg gear in and am total pimpin in the burg....i am so the rep in the wmbg area except for punkrockphoto...loser anyway wanted to share my joy with you all Thanks

So like my only escape form reality is music movies and sg.com. I question all the time weather is this it? IS this ALL life has in store for me. There is a million things i could be doing out there. THe ambition in my heart says to get up and drive and drive till i run out of gas and then thats is that...
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Am i awake?
good to see you back