Few things tonight, first: Within Temptation at the Astoria tomorrow...whoop. I'm a little excited, especially going for free. I get to meet them too...mustn't forget the camera.
I met Stone Sour at the Astoria and I remember lots of walking about, which is fucking gay. You make yourself up to meet someone you respect, then they make you fucking walk up and down so many stairs, you look like shit when you finally get through the door.
Second, I had this wonderful picture of a fairy/faerie sitting on a rock; it was just on paper drawn in like a tan colour. I found it online and printed it off, and then went round it with a thick black pen, ruining the picture. (What was I thinking?) and now I can't find the bloody original. I'm fairy sure (sorry) that it was Amy Brown's but I've searched her websites with no luck
It bloody annoys me when magazines or business e-mails have spelling mistakes in them. How bloody hard is it to copy and paste it into Word and have THAT spell-check if you can't be arsed to proof-read? I found one in Bizarre as well. And on South Park last night. Something about "if you don't use -blank- your going to get cancer" YOU'RE YOU-ARE. Grr!!
My life is el crappo at the moment, work sucks more than usual with the area manager promising me things will be sorted by next week...
I doubt it, Pulse piercing/tattoo studios are looking for a front desk person at the moment. I'm SO applying for that on Monday.
I have a very strange friend on MSN who keeps irritating me. When people ask about my "love life" it pisses me off. They just ask to pity me.
There are too many tattoos I want. I wish I was 300 in credit rather than overdrawn. God damn my life sucks.
You know what's worse than having a shit life? Whingeing about it.
I met Stone Sour at the Astoria and I remember lots of walking about, which is fucking gay. You make yourself up to meet someone you respect, then they make you fucking walk up and down so many stairs, you look like shit when you finally get through the door.
Second, I had this wonderful picture of a fairy/faerie sitting on a rock; it was just on paper drawn in like a tan colour. I found it online and printed it off, and then went round it with a thick black pen, ruining the picture. (What was I thinking?) and now I can't find the bloody original. I'm fairy sure (sorry) that it was Amy Brown's but I've searched her websites with no luck
It bloody annoys me when magazines or business e-mails have spelling mistakes in them. How bloody hard is it to copy and paste it into Word and have THAT spell-check if you can't be arsed to proof-read? I found one in Bizarre as well. And on South Park last night. Something about "if you don't use -blank- your going to get cancer" YOU'RE YOU-ARE. Grr!!
My life is el crappo at the moment, work sucks more than usual with the area manager promising me things will be sorted by next week...
I have a very strange friend on MSN who keeps irritating me. When people ask about my "love life" it pisses me off. They just ask to pity me.
There are too many tattoos I want. I wish I was 300 in credit rather than overdrawn. God damn my life sucks.
You know what's worse than having a shit life? Whingeing about it.
Chin up darlin, we all go through hard times. I have a really bad habit of overdrawing my account as well. Ignore the jackass on MSN, you don't need that kind of taunting. Oh , and I dont have a love life either. Nothing. Not even a recent makeout session. Makes me feel like shit, but then I remember that I don't deserve being played so I'd rather not be desperate. Hope that made since...love ya!!!
Yeah it made sense
thanks hunny