So like an idiot I lost my rabbit fur pouch I used at fair. Oh and guess what it had in it? My school ID, My Ren Fair work ID, $40, My Visa Atm Debit Check Card, and my DRIVERS LISCENSE. Yeah so today I got to start to take care of all of that. Cancelled and reordered a new Visa ATM Card, made an appointment at the DMV (soonest I could get is for this Friday). Tomorrow I get to get a new school ID, and try to figure out how to replace my Ren Fair ID...seriously...good thing I'm not a man because no one can ever ask me to be their best man so I don't have to worry about losing the ring. Oh yeah so in case of getting pulled over I don't want to drive anywhere except school this week. So don't expect me to hang out unless you wanna drive me. Also, I'm broke as a joke because I don't have access to my money. So let's call this week no life week, and remember yup I'm an idiot.