upper, downer....its all part of the fun...dude, im so fuckin huge in these boots....yay for being 5'9", ah well good times, good times...today i woke up my flatmates with my music yea, its close to 7:30 right now. haha, general chem is gonna be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,,,,i picked my term paper thesis for FLF, i am thinking about comparing the protaginists in Albert Camus' "The Stranger" and "The Fall" im thinking it would tie in quite nicely with the whole existentialist themes... man im such a poseur. i believe that i have OCD but more on the O side than anything else. oh man...........thinking of bumpin up some more with ephedra, could get dangerous. cant get too fucked up before sunday, i get to be all glam goth bitch in the cemetary or church (might be a bad idea on the lords day) with some pix....hmph, i feel so exposed. who told me to pose for SG?
pix for new set??