Why Does Bannana Get Shotgun?
So in the mists of my fucking horrible month, all the shit and gaspings for breath, there is a good day, a little light for me and a day where i dont feel like going out and exploding hate over everything.
I got home last night to no roomate cause hes gone for a bit in texas, so i have the house to myself, but he kept the password on his computron, so i was like fuck i need to do all this homework and shit and i cant talk to interweb friends and shit and im tired as hell. so i decided to go out, i was dirty and tired so i showered and fucking cleaned up like a champ! i decked out last night and went to sketchy bars, it was like ghetto prom. pretty much hung out at van gohs most the night cause it was packed and the waitress, despite being busy kept talking to me and giving me cheap ass drinks....not "ass drinks" and that was good, then dave and i headed over to trappers for some shitty times, actually it was packed in trappers and they werent letting anyone else in, but dave and i just followed this person who worked there in and no one noticed, we are smooth fucking Ninjas. I didnt get any deseases....and it was good. went home slept and then.....
.....Woke my ass up at 9 showered talked on le telephone, and tackled the computers locked problem, apparently im a ninja on computers too, cause i got in in to the computer in safe mode created a seperate user account for myself and now have full access to my interweb friends and homework duties. IM AWSOME! so other than that these things are contributing to the smile:
-Getting tatooooooo toooooday
-got a new hat last night
-its nice and cool outside and i love the autumn
-created a fucking nice African menu which i am in the process of costing
-my chef offered me manager possitions and more ccccccc CASH if i came back next year....ha cccc Chef. (dumbest myspace name ever)
-I gotted new socks, and my feet feel organized.
-im goin for lunch with Kaitlin cause my stomach if full of empty.
-and uhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm......stuff ahhhhhh
yeah I think i should get PROM DATE tattoo'd across my knuckles, either that or ABBA GOLD. both would elevate me to "pass out and have a seizure when you see me" coolness status. which im almost at.
now back to homework. and tommorow i will go back to my friend Gloom, I can feel him tugging at my sleeve, he misses me.
Her Lucky Pretty Eyes
EDIT: Northstar and I are getting the fuck out of dodge in the flying yellow submarine. we are going to live on the sunny beaches of alaska. deal with it.

So in the mists of my fucking horrible month, all the shit and gaspings for breath, there is a good day, a little light for me and a day where i dont feel like going out and exploding hate over everything.
I got home last night to no roomate cause hes gone for a bit in texas, so i have the house to myself, but he kept the password on his computron, so i was like fuck i need to do all this homework and shit and i cant talk to interweb friends and shit and im tired as hell. so i decided to go out, i was dirty and tired so i showered and fucking cleaned up like a champ! i decked out last night and went to sketchy bars, it was like ghetto prom. pretty much hung out at van gohs most the night cause it was packed and the waitress, despite being busy kept talking to me and giving me cheap ass drinks....not "ass drinks" and that was good, then dave and i headed over to trappers for some shitty times, actually it was packed in trappers and they werent letting anyone else in, but dave and i just followed this person who worked there in and no one noticed, we are smooth fucking Ninjas. I didnt get any deseases....and it was good. went home slept and then.....
.....Woke my ass up at 9 showered talked on le telephone, and tackled the computers locked problem, apparently im a ninja on computers too, cause i got in in to the computer in safe mode created a seperate user account for myself and now have full access to my interweb friends and homework duties. IM AWSOME! so other than that these things are contributing to the smile:
-Getting tatooooooo toooooday
-got a new hat last night
-its nice and cool outside and i love the autumn
-created a fucking nice African menu which i am in the process of costing
-my chef offered me manager possitions and more ccccccc CASH if i came back next year....ha cccc Chef. (dumbest myspace name ever)
-I gotted new socks, and my feet feel organized.
-im goin for lunch with Kaitlin cause my stomach if full of empty.
-and uhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm......stuff ahhhhhh

yeah I think i should get PROM DATE tattoo'd across my knuckles, either that or ABBA GOLD. both would elevate me to "pass out and have a seizure when you see me" coolness status. which im almost at.
now back to homework. and tommorow i will go back to my friend Gloom, I can feel him tugging at my sleeve, he misses me.
Her Lucky Pretty Eyes
EDIT: Northstar and I are getting the fuck out of dodge in the flying yellow submarine. we are going to live on the sunny beaches of alaska. deal with it.
*i wish i had sweet ninja skills like you do.
*i'll show you an african menu.
*my vote is for ABBA GOLD.
*fuck homework... i'm coming to pick you up in my SWEET RIDE.