The boy who blocked his own shot
Here we go. Tuesday night was Grrrrreat says tony the tiger. sars-stock rolled up in the G-spot with party around 10pm and we proceded to start our shroomy adventure at tim hortons before going back to Milton. I dont have a camera so the pictures are sketchy-er than ashley hartman.
so we drank the shroom tea on the way back to Milton, got to Party's house and started planning out our night, which in the end always proves pointless. I was snacking on the shrooms like they were candy....dirty rank discusting candy. took a walk to robs house and were introduced to the physical form of awkwardness, and stiffling heat....exit fucking agu. We decided to find swings....and we did. Fun?
Then back to party's house for pizza and green fucking berret bug attacking me via death jump. mother fuckers lucky i wasent carrying my lightsaber or his ass would have been in fuckin two.
Pizza was the grandest pizza we've had in a while, it took us long enough to order. then the walk back to Sar-bears and much invader zim. RESISTY!
so a lot more happened but im not writting about it, you guys get the quick tour through it. My keys dont really work so hot anymore after the trial run of the shrooms on sunday, i though it be a grand idea to play fetch with myself using my they are a little fucking Bunged up....who saw that shit comming. really now.
Toronto yesterday with Chanel, fucking amazing time. Amazing. i saw a squirrel. we drove chanels friends younger brother and girlfriend there and got stuck in lovely fucking traffic where i had to (as with much of the day) stick my head out the window and ask people directions "hey friend, a little help?" got there droped the kids off and wandered kenzington for a bit and then started the trek to church street to find J.K. wine bar. all the while developing head aches from the wonderful downtown smoginess. so lunch.....let down. the food was okay but really nothing excitingand our server was a fucking mupet
and not really filling so we went out for dessert, we both got ibuprofin and snacked on copius amounts to clear out the aches of the head.
the sky got all apocalypse on our ass and the americans are lazy fuckers who close down at 1pm and then procede to be condecending assholes about it, yeah we can read the sign your in our country shit stain. theres really a lot to write about toronto but again your not getting it all. Pillango did however treat us to gluten free goodness and cheese and a little, just a little SANGRIA! Do you know who I am!!!!
Then the drive back to guelph for yet another party, this time at kristophs chanel didnt stay long as there was a long day of work shit ahead of her. so I partied with my friend Bourbon. and Gardimus got in at around 5:30am and wanted nothing more than to curl up in someones arms, but instead I did the me thing i stayed up untill the sun was in full effect.
Now i get to go back to the work thing and i work for a while straight to make up for my psuedo vacation. Wednesday though, wednesday.
p.s. my toe is FUCKED up, its all bruised and shit. and i somehow got it in my head to call in sick to work. I neeeeed the money, but i got like No fucking sleep and Ben Decays comming over.hi floor make me a samich
Here we go. Tuesday night was Grrrrreat says tony the tiger. sars-stock rolled up in the G-spot with party around 10pm and we proceded to start our shroomy adventure at tim hortons before going back to Milton. I dont have a camera so the pictures are sketchy-er than ashley hartman.

so we drank the shroom tea on the way back to Milton, got to Party's house and started planning out our night, which in the end always proves pointless. I was snacking on the shrooms like they were candy....dirty rank discusting candy. took a walk to robs house and were introduced to the physical form of awkwardness, and stiffling heat....exit fucking agu. We decided to find swings....and we did. Fun?

Then back to party's house for pizza and green fucking berret bug attacking me via death jump. mother fuckers lucky i wasent carrying my lightsaber or his ass would have been in fuckin two.

so a lot more happened but im not writting about it, you guys get the quick tour through it. My keys dont really work so hot anymore after the trial run of the shrooms on sunday, i though it be a grand idea to play fetch with myself using my they are a little fucking Bunged up....who saw that shit comming. really now.
Toronto yesterday with Chanel, fucking amazing time. Amazing. i saw a squirrel. we drove chanels friends younger brother and girlfriend there and got stuck in lovely fucking traffic where i had to (as with much of the day) stick my head out the window and ask people directions "hey friend, a little help?" got there droped the kids off and wandered kenzington for a bit and then started the trek to church street to find J.K. wine bar. all the while developing head aches from the wonderful downtown smoginess. so lunch.....let down. the food was okay but really nothing excitingand our server was a fucking mupet

the sky got all apocalypse on our ass and the americans are lazy fuckers who close down at 1pm and then procede to be condecending assholes about it, yeah we can read the sign your in our country shit stain. theres really a lot to write about toronto but again your not getting it all. Pillango did however treat us to gluten free goodness and cheese and a little, just a little SANGRIA! Do you know who I am!!!!
Then the drive back to guelph for yet another party, this time at kristophs chanel didnt stay long as there was a long day of work shit ahead of her. so I partied with my friend Bourbon. and Gardimus got in at around 5:30am and wanted nothing more than to curl up in someones arms, but instead I did the me thing i stayed up untill the sun was in full effect.
Now i get to go back to the work thing and i work for a while straight to make up for my psuedo vacation. Wednesday though, wednesday.
p.s. my toe is FUCKED up, its all bruised and shit. and i somehow got it in my head to call in sick to work. I neeeeed the money, but i got like No fucking sleep and Ben Decays comming over.hi floor make me a samich

Okay so I saw Party this morning...we went to the early gym class (wheee! tired!) and she says a) the picture of us on the swings you drew is HIGHLARIOUS, and b) do you wanna go see Shotgun Rules in Guelph in Sept?