These shoes are obviously best friends.
oh Lucifer.
Things are pretty much the same with me i suppose, Nothing much changes here really, Im starting to get in a better possition financially, saving money so I can "leave this country forever" in a year. Thats the thought that reminds me why im swallowing my pride everyday to work this Unsavory job.
I get to meet Chanels father next week, should be interesting. "Luke.......I Am Her Father!" then its all lightsabers from there, we'll have a duel. I'll be more of a match than he anticipated, But i will drop my guard when chanel comes in the room and in the words of old ben kenobi "Srike me down and I will become more powerful than you can imagine" we'll put the sabers down, and eat dinner. (cooked with lightsabers).
Fuck Spain baby....lets move to Couresant or rough it in Degobah.
either way i hope to look like this by time we go.

That's right bitch you can buy all kinds of them: here.
[Edited on Jul 07, 2005 4:58PM]
try not to cream yourself when you hear it.