Some new work I've recently had done by the talented Mr. Saberscrib Shes almost done, I would still like to add a little detail in some places, and possibly add a little red. We'll find out on the 16th hopefully.
The prom was good times, possibly due to the fact that we were all pretty drunk by time we showed up, but I'm sure it also had to do with the great people, it was awsome to meet new people that you see around on the site all the time.
Whats a romantic thing to do on your six month anniversary??? Obviously to go see Star Wars AGAIN with your girlfriend. yes, Chanel and I are geeks......large large geeks.
Seratonin and Micron also came out for the movie, and were impressed? hopefully.
Back to work today, after being scheduled to work Saturday and them me obviously not showing up cause I was in Toronto, im sure I'll hear about that....except no I won't casue theres really no need for us to have an executive chef for the NO CUSTOMERS and small staff, so he never fucking shows up. What a cushy job 3-4 days a week 6-7 hours a day.....motha fucka. Fuck my job sucks. Get me out of this country Chanel, it's the only thing keeping me going

Where is Padme....
Is she safe?
Is she alright?