The week ahead:
Tuesday and wednesday are my 13 hour days between the two jobs, always tiring, not from the amount of work or the time i have to spend on my feet, but rather from the lack of work and frusteration involved in working at the ramada.
Thursday I have a tattoo appointment to get some arm work finished up, i really cant wait to get it finished im really happy with the work so far, and im sure I'll post a picture when shes all done. Thanks to saberscrib.
Friday, another day in purgatory, i mean work.
Saturday is Prom. Im happy about this, ive been looking forward to it for a bit, and rumour has it my date is a smokin hot human re-incarnation of Gir. 100% better than my highschool prom.....seeing as i didnt go.
Sunday is a day off for recovery. I got in shit actually for taking the weekend off because there is a wedding at the ramada....big fucking deal, i think they can handle a shitty wedding without the aid of Moi.
"uhhh this is the chef at the ramada, i uhhhh, uuhhhh, gonna ned, you uhhh to uhhh, you cant take off the wedding days, uhhh and yeah chef at the ramada"
And that pretty much does it. I got to see my friend curt who came to visit from germany for a week, chanel and i hung out with him earlier last week and i made it out to his party that i previously was unable to attend. "hey fellas, its about that time....the penguin gets food, why not me....feed me phil" who knows what im talkin about...maybe 2 people.
Also right now im reading Atonement by ian Mcewan. and its fucking amazing, i usually devour books in a day or two, but the way he fucking writes just makes me want to take in and savour ever sentance. Ive had it for like 5 months and havent gotten around to reading till now, but I now see the errors in my way, as this is already shaping up to be one of the favorites. Thanks kiddo!
Everbody thank jesus for dying for our sins, as i was reminded to by a cracked out guy wanting my change.

Tuesday and wednesday are my 13 hour days between the two jobs, always tiring, not from the amount of work or the time i have to spend on my feet, but rather from the lack of work and frusteration involved in working at the ramada.
Thursday I have a tattoo appointment to get some arm work finished up, i really cant wait to get it finished im really happy with the work so far, and im sure I'll post a picture when shes all done. Thanks to saberscrib.
Friday, another day in purgatory, i mean work.
Saturday is Prom. Im happy about this, ive been looking forward to it for a bit, and rumour has it my date is a smokin hot human re-incarnation of Gir. 100% better than my highschool prom.....seeing as i didnt go.
Sunday is a day off for recovery. I got in shit actually for taking the weekend off because there is a wedding at the ramada....big fucking deal, i think they can handle a shitty wedding without the aid of Moi.
"uhhh this is the chef at the ramada, i uhhhh, uuhhhh, gonna ned, you uhhh to uhhh, you cant take off the wedding days, uhhh and yeah chef at the ramada"
And that pretty much does it. I got to see my friend curt who came to visit from germany for a week, chanel and i hung out with him earlier last week and i made it out to his party that i previously was unable to attend. "hey fellas, its about that time....the penguin gets food, why not me....feed me phil" who knows what im talkin about...maybe 2 people.
Also right now im reading Atonement by ian Mcewan. and its fucking amazing, i usually devour books in a day or two, but the way he fucking writes just makes me want to take in and savour ever sentance. Ive had it for like 5 months and havent gotten around to reading till now, but I now see the errors in my way, as this is already shaping up to be one of the favorites. Thanks kiddo!
Everbody thank jesus for dying for our sins, as i was reminded to by a cracked out guy wanting my change.

No, that was Haines...Pretty is Taylor...dark hair, blue eyes...adorable and sooo nice. We love him.