Armor for sleep was last night, there were pretty fucking good, too bad every other band sucked, including.....ESPECIALLY including the all american rejects.......i guess i dont really know that cause i didnt stay for that, but obviously they had to.
So Seratonin came to pick me up in the afternoon, hung out for a bit, did some banking then heading out of town for the show when out of no where this fat reta.....handi-capable women fucking bolts across the street (sans the bra) untill a cop car shows up in front of her. One also pulls up behind her, but she doesent see that. So instead of turning around to start running she puts it in reverse and starts walking backwards arm motions and all. Untill she realizes shes set a trap for her reta....handi-capable ass. She lets out a wail and then just puts her head down in shame. There was like 6 cops though and i think they were calling for back-up....not really sure why. either was fucking HIGH-larious.
We then went to milton bought a magnum of wine (cause we are obviouly the definition of class) and went to the show.
While in line (they opened doors an hour late) some busta rhymes lookin fella came up trin to sell us underground canadian hip hop cds for 10 bucks.....i think the conversation went a little like this:
Busta: Word word, you listen to canadain hip hop
S dot: ummmm yeah k-os
Busta: word intellectual keepin tha drugs of the streets and the hoes of the streets ah yeah, check out this shit blah blah blah 10 bucks.
S: sorry i only have a ticket and 5 bucks
B: word word (yeah he kept saying word) I can part with it for 5 bucks
S: but then how will i get the bus home
then that motha fucka tried to make me buy it for her, PFFFFT. im more broke than him, and i let him know it. the best part was he went down the line trying to sell it, and then came back up the line and tried to sell it to us again. and he didn't even remember he already tried to sell it to us "cocains a hell of a drug" Oh Snap!
After the show=
-24 hour grocery store
-Texas champion pizza
-magnum of wine
-talking cat
-God damn that pizza sucked
-New SG account
-sleep at 4am
-and ensuing 13 hour work day.
Honeslty any night out with that girl is fucking awsome and filled with so many funny fucking situations that no one would understand unless they were there.
Armor for sleep was last night, there were pretty fucking good, too bad every other band sucked, including.....ESPECIALLY including the all american rejects.......i guess i dont really know that cause i didnt stay for that, but obviously they had to.
So Seratonin came to pick me up in the afternoon, hung out for a bit, did some banking then heading out of town for the show when out of no where this fat reta.....handi-capable women fucking bolts across the street (sans the bra) untill a cop car shows up in front of her. One also pulls up behind her, but she doesent see that. So instead of turning around to start running she puts it in reverse and starts walking backwards arm motions and all. Untill she realizes shes set a trap for her reta....handi-capable ass. She lets out a wail and then just puts her head down in shame. There was like 6 cops though and i think they were calling for back-up....not really sure why. either was fucking HIGH-larious.
We then went to milton bought a magnum of wine (cause we are obviouly the definition of class) and went to the show.
While in line (they opened doors an hour late) some busta rhymes lookin fella came up trin to sell us underground canadian hip hop cds for 10 bucks.....i think the conversation went a little like this:
Busta: Word word, you listen to canadain hip hop
S dot: ummmm yeah k-os
Busta: word intellectual keepin tha drugs of the streets and the hoes of the streets ah yeah, check out this shit blah blah blah 10 bucks.
S: sorry i only have a ticket and 5 bucks
B: word word (yeah he kept saying word) I can part with it for 5 bucks
S: but then how will i get the bus home
then that motha fucka tried to make me buy it for her, PFFFFT. im more broke than him, and i let him know it. the best part was he went down the line trying to sell it, and then came back up the line and tried to sell it to us again. and he didn't even remember he already tried to sell it to us "cocains a hell of a drug" Oh Snap!
After the show=
-24 hour grocery store
-Texas champion pizza
-magnum of wine
-talking cat
-God damn that pizza sucked
-New SG account
-sleep at 4am
-and ensuing 13 hour work day.
Honeslty any night out with that girl is fucking awsome and filled with so many funny fucking situations that no one would understand unless they were there.

Can I borrow Memento?