4am, Im watching tv, or at least letting it do its thing while i do mine. A stars video just came on, coincidently, ironically, and arduously the same song I played the yesterday that seems like 5 minutes ago. "live through this and you wont look back"....
My memories are seemlesy always at war with the present, to the point where i can't tell between the two anymore, or put together anything that can be considered an opinion belonging to me. I sink to often to memories abandoning whats at hand, why is it that even bad memories are more comforting than the present most times. Oh thats a dumb question I know exactly why....
And end that scene. I contimplate to much at 4 am...and always.
The talented and sly and elegant and "every other descriptive word int the book" Miss
Chanel came to visit me, which made me smile, we drank ,we danced (im amazing) slept shopped ate eggs with a "LARGE" side serving of baked beans....a healthy fork ful.
she may have also bought me star wars galaxies, I may be a happy jedi. merry x mas to me.
thank you for that, and many other things that you know and will never know.
Liston comes today, im going to sleep work and then annihlate myself, fuckin Godspeed.
So everyone yell at me if it suits your needs, I quit school. They were teaching shit that i laughed at 3 years ago, i wasnt learning, i was loosing out on money and I really didnt need it adding to stress. NO, my quitting school is not a portrayal of arrogance (not saying im not arrogant, im the coolest fucking person you know) just not for me, and thats that.
so now i have more time to work, which means after the holiday i will have more money, that will help me do things like buying a spaceship that will allow me to fly to far away planets, like montreal.
okay then tattoo soon,
and now, at 4:40am im going to walk to wallaces, and have a drink, soon i wont have to sleep at all!
My memories are seemlesy always at war with the present, to the point where i can't tell between the two anymore, or put together anything that can be considered an opinion belonging to me. I sink to often to memories abandoning whats at hand, why is it that even bad memories are more comforting than the present most times. Oh thats a dumb question I know exactly why....
And end that scene. I contimplate to much at 4 am...and always.
The talented and sly and elegant and "every other descriptive word int the book" Miss
Chanel came to visit me, which made me smile, we drank ,we danced (im amazing) slept shopped ate eggs with a "LARGE" side serving of baked beans....a healthy fork ful.

Liston comes today, im going to sleep work and then annihlate myself, fuckin Godspeed.
So everyone yell at me if it suits your needs, I quit school. They were teaching shit that i laughed at 3 years ago, i wasnt learning, i was loosing out on money and I really didnt need it adding to stress. NO, my quitting school is not a portrayal of arrogance (not saying im not arrogant, im the coolest fucking person you know) just not for me, and thats that.
so now i have more time to work, which means after the holiday i will have more money, that will help me do things like buying a spaceship that will allow me to fly to far away planets, like montreal.
okay then tattoo soon,
and now, at 4:40am im going to walk to wallaces, and have a drink, soon i wont have to sleep at all!

What are you doing Tuesday night? I might get cut pseudo early - I'm opening...should be off at 8-9...I could come out after you get off work if you're at the Ramadan.