Dare me to breathe, when I can't catch my breath, sway my tempers balance
Deja-mother fucking-Vu. Someone must of told this girl I fucking ADORE standing in front of tim hortons for and hour in the cold waiting for non-exsistant rides to show up so my imminent failure in life can be more sucessfully carried out. Who ever let her in on that can I ask you to possibly let her know that her spontanious combustion would bring me great many hours of pleasure, almost enough to combat my current strife towards her.
So there is now quite a good chance that I will be failing a class at humber, as today a project is due and a test is on the agenda. the teacher also seems to share a certain discord for me as one would a planet of carniverous rats.
Other than that things are fairly good, the money situation could be better, but I'll scrape by christmas hopefully in tact. Northstar made her way to guelph last night and enjoyed hot chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps with me as i showed her the finer points to handling a plasic lightsaber, next time she'll be duel ready! Then played.....well i didnt so much play as destroyed Gavin and Shane at monopoly, because im that good. Monopoly is great. the last time I played before last night was with my step fater and ex girlfriend Sam....so it's been a while.
With Honor-You always said
Some things are just the truth
like how the sky is blue,
and wheels will always roll.
A mile won't pass without me missing you,
and it breaks, it breaks through my skin.
The clocks still ticking,
everyone thats still breathing
has more important things to do
Call off the morning, stop the light,
I can't forget hard as I try.
Start in on long nights
where we gag on things we never got to say.
Lost sight of brighter times.
Two of the brightest eyes closed forever yesterday.
I'll reach for the stars and pull them down
tie them up inside your arms
and learn to move on somehow.
You made me feel like in this life
theres not a minute worth wasting.
Now I dont know, I dont know how to walk away
But you have my word,
I'll give that much more.
I won't take a similar smile for granted.
I'll learn to take falling on my face as dancing
It's time close the coffin tight.
Im going to miss you, Im going to miss you.
right then, recomend books and other fun things, pray for my non-failures, come visit me.
"I wish you a broken heart, and a happy new years"
Seymour- I wish I could sleep.
Deja-mother fucking-Vu. Someone must of told this girl I fucking ADORE standing in front of tim hortons for and hour in the cold waiting for non-exsistant rides to show up so my imminent failure in life can be more sucessfully carried out. Who ever let her in on that can I ask you to possibly let her know that her spontanious combustion would bring me great many hours of pleasure, almost enough to combat my current strife towards her.
So there is now quite a good chance that I will be failing a class at humber, as today a project is due and a test is on the agenda. the teacher also seems to share a certain discord for me as one would a planet of carniverous rats.

Other than that things are fairly good, the money situation could be better, but I'll scrape by christmas hopefully in tact. Northstar made her way to guelph last night and enjoyed hot chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps with me as i showed her the finer points to handling a plasic lightsaber, next time she'll be duel ready! Then played.....well i didnt so much play as destroyed Gavin and Shane at monopoly, because im that good. Monopoly is great. the last time I played before last night was with my step fater and ex girlfriend Sam....so it's been a while.
With Honor-You always said
Some things are just the truth
like how the sky is blue,
and wheels will always roll.
A mile won't pass without me missing you,
and it breaks, it breaks through my skin.
The clocks still ticking,
everyone thats still breathing
has more important things to do
Call off the morning, stop the light,
I can't forget hard as I try.
Start in on long nights
where we gag on things we never got to say.
Lost sight of brighter times.
Two of the brightest eyes closed forever yesterday.
I'll reach for the stars and pull them down
tie them up inside your arms
and learn to move on somehow.
You made me feel like in this life
theres not a minute worth wasting.
Now I dont know, I dont know how to walk away
But you have my word,
I'll give that much more.
I won't take a similar smile for granted.
I'll learn to take falling on my face as dancing
It's time close the coffin tight.
Im going to miss you, Im going to miss you.
right then, recomend books and other fun things, pray for my non-failures, come visit me.
"I wish you a broken heart, and a happy new years"

im awesome.