Sometimes you have to wonder.. if its worth it. If its worth putting up with someone elses shit when youre with them. You have the worst fight and wonder if your values match theirs, or if you even care anymore. You wonder after being with a person for so long, why it even matters anymore. Where the sparks went when you first met that person. What happened to you? You ask yourself. You used to be fun and loving. There was nothing to bring you down back then. Nobody could touch you. Then you met the one... the one you were going to spend the rest of your life with and your cloud nine just blasted through into space. You couldnt be filled with more joy. Colors seemed brighter, the flowers bloomed when you walked by them and you heard music everywhere. Yes... YES you could remember those days as if they were yesterday. This person was the highlight of highlights. Then you open your eyes and find yourself looking at them from the passengers seat while on your way to.... who knows... who cares. Its like a Charlie Brown cartoon. You see their mouth moving... but you dont hear anything, nor do you want to. Youve had it... your done. Thats it, youre finally going to say what you wanted to for so long. The words you want to say every fight you have. You notice those colors are gone. The colors that once were so vibrant. Your cloud.. the one you started without this person has gone. The world has a tint of gray. Shit its even raining outside. Your ears start to work again and you hear from a distance "... listening to me?! Well are you!?" You just say yes because you are numb. All emotions bounce off of you. Your wall has gone up and has been up for a bit. You are so hurt but you dont know what to do to remedy this situation. The car stops and you look into their eyes hoping to find what attached you to this person so long ago and....... There.. there it is! The smile... the eyes... but is this enough? I dont know anymore. Ifs hard to even try to feel happy. The car pulls into a parking lot. You start to speak and nothing but your voice can be heard. You think to yourself.. youre finally listening? Minutes that feel like hours pass. Youre ok again. You find that reason why you want to be with them. That spark that was so special. But how long will this last? How long can you put on this show? Then you think its not a show and they make you whole somehow. The rain stops and you take a look outside. Birds are singing. A smile makes its way across your face. You love this person..... until the next fight anway...
That was my lame ass attempt at writing.... any feedback please let me know!! And no..... its fiction.
That was my lame ass attempt at writing.... any feedback please let me know!! And no..... its fiction.