People of SG what up?
Okay now I don't wanna sound like I'am bitchin' or anything but I hate when people try to tell me how to do my job. I got enough shit on my mind with I.E.D'S/ E.F.P'S/ V.B.I.E.D'S/ E.F.P'S /random small arm weapon attacks. So the last thing I need some fuck who's knowledge of what I do is based off of...
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i get ppl tell me how to do my job too. I hate it. But im a rude bitch and tell them to piss off wink but my job aint like yours.......
Good Day People of SG.I feel awsome. Just got off a 14 hour guard shift. Went and worked out for a while. As of this post I have internet in my room. We had to get all MaGyver to get it to work but its up. Pay no mind to my last post I wasn't in the right state of mind. Welcome to my new...
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I miss my hawkfrown .I wanna get a new tattoo but I don't have any ideals.frown I wanna get branded.biggrin Nobody comments on my journal postings. frown I don.t post enough pics and I have shitload.whatever I'am nowhere close to normal and don't fall under any wierd classifcation.surreal Nobody gets me.whatever Hell I don't fully get me.whatever I cried the other night for the first time...
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In my opinion, branding is ick...

You use too many smilies

You should have ideas for tattoos, not just ideals...

Jus' sayin' *shrug*
I have never needed a friend in my life as much as I do now and the people that claim to play that role in my life are absent. frown I need a hug. frown 'Sup people of SG? Just a quick update.I feel greaaat. smile Really no bullshit nore scarcism. I'am working out regularly,got promoted(go me), and Iam gonna be a godfather to me buddys kid he...
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May all the bullshit of last year be forgot and blah blah blah blah blah.smile hAPPYnEWyEAR To ONe And All smile.This year is gonna be awsome, I got all these resoultions I'am working uot regularly,I'am like honstely happy,see I thought about it and I realized that I bitch alot about work and not having a girlfriend and such but in actualty life is and I'am...
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Peopels of SG, what up ?
As of this post I Spardakus aka Noodle aka Mr. Sofakingnyce is in Iraq and it's not that bad.I've got a ok,room foods not bad Ohh I'am Living in The former headquerters of the Ba'ah Party it's kinda bad ass it's this big ass palace that we droped a rocket into at the start of this whole shit the...
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Greatings Friendssmile ,Minions mad ,secret lovers love.
I know it's been awhile but what can say I'am in Iraq or I will be this time tomorrow. I'am in good health, good spirts(Surpriseingly) more frequent updates in the future. Till that day.
Escuse my spelling and grammar.This was rushed.
Happy whatever to whoever!

The time has come.
At 22:00 hundred hours today I will deploy.
I have packed all my bags my equipment is loaded I've been issued my weapon all that's left to do is say my last farwells and board the plane.
This may be my last update for a while so I wanted to say to all of my friends I haven't forgot you and...
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I'am to nice of a guy and people keep taking my kindness as weekness and I really don't wanna shows my ugly side but people are pushing me and in my current state I may not be able to restrain myself. My so-called buddy is in this fucked up relationship and is pissed at me cause his grilfriend a girl that...
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As the days count down to my departure form safety to combat I find myself feeling depressed and alone cause I am. Life cannot be about learning to live without.I cannot leave this world not knowing Love. In any real sense. As I sing off I ask for your prays cause I've lost my faith and some thing teels me hope's not enough. frown
I wish I knew what life was about or had some sage wisdome to pass along. Hope has to be enough. Don't give up.