So I have a lot of catching up to do! Lot has happened since the beginning of the holiday season and I plan to blog about it all in one convienent entry... this will make an excellent mental reminder of a crazy holiday season.
So started off by going to OC on the night of the 22nd after work and I stopped by a friend in Hollywood to spend the night prior to finishing my journey. She makes a lot of Krantom tea which is super good for relaxing and chilling out with someone. Look it up at wikipedia if you don't know what it is cuz you can buy it online ^_^
Saw this funny ass picture when I was turning around in an alley!
In the morning we put a baby doll with pills of asprin glued in its mouth and all around it... I would of took a picture but I was totally still pissed at this...
A freaking parking ticket... only 25 bucks... but I ended up getting another one later in LA for 68 dollars.... damn city is broke and aching for anyone's money.
Anyway fast forward to thursday night. I was helping my buddy Reza to promote his new years rave he does every year in LA (Together as one). So I spent thursday night flyering up the parking lot of club Sutra
and the greater Fullterton area around Cherch lounge
My friend Jarod is pretty much the right hand man for Cherch lounge so I managed to get inside a OC nightclub with a trenchcoat on and a ton of flyers! My friend Erika (DJ Erika Starr) was DJing when I went in... so it was pretty cool I got to talk to her and catch up with my friend Jarod (since I NEVER make it out to the OC club scene, and only handing out flyers brought me there). this picture sucks but its all I Could get in the dark.
So thursday was fun and included a trip to Costa Mesa like three times for private adventures that I will not speak of. My friend Twinkie was with me. He is also a DJ (jungle) and goes by DJ Tony C, but we've called him twinkie since before he was famous in LA and I still call him that. It was good to have him around to help with the flyering business and make a mess all over OC. Fun crazy night and the free kamakzies (spell check!) were awesome way to end night.
Friday was supposed to be Christmas eve mass in San Diego with my mom, step-dad, brother, and sister in law (brothers wife Masako). Unfortunately my brother did the classic Christmas foul up and got wasted for the drive down south, he woke up cursed out his wife for missing a turn and I told him to STFU before I punched him. Needless to say I was done with the night (i'm not religious anyway) and cancelled on Christmas eve m mass because my brother had pushed the limits by making his wife cry on the drive down. We exchanged gifts, the five of us went to denny's and we drove home... perfect dysfunctional reminder. I hate drama.
Christmas was a wild day overall. Started out with a tree and present at my grandparents house for my second official family Christmas event in the holiday.
I got to sit in between my Dad and Masako... the lovely alcohol laced eggnog kept the slow ballet of opening gifts moving at an at least entertaining means.
My favorite gift surprisingly enough was the bumblebee hot coco set and mugs because I will totally be using that coffee mug!
So here is a youtube of my family... since its the easiest way to sum up christmas #2. My dad is the commentator....
So... christmas #2 was followed by christmas #3 with my dad and the step family. This was the main gift I got... so lets hope its DECENT for home coffee stuffz!
Thank you also to Kelly (bed bath and beyond) and my stepmom/dad for the extra cups and italian themed measurement pieces... The home styled gifts are because I just moved into my condo. Afterwards we listened to my stepsister sing a bunch of covers by request which was pretty impressive, because when I asked her to play Something by the Beatles she went online for 5 minutes and came back and played/sang the song perfectly.
By the way this is step-sister:
So after she sang we started going through the alcohol. Me, her and my step cousin Ryan (coolest gay and proud guy you'll ever meet) went through a bottle of Captain and proceeded to take shots of wine afterwards. Our dart game was weak and the partying continued until the wine shots ran out. Somehow they convinced my step mom to do an alcohol run, which sounded good to all of us... so after 11 they mentioned something about checking out some spot up in the muddy mountain areas of OC--this would turn out to be the worst decision of the year that we all agreed upon.
At about 11:30 on a road going up hill, a Explorer Adventure hydroplaned in the oncoming lane and proceeded to let on the brakes. The vehicle lost control and slide perpendicular to us onto our lane; the SUV was probably going about 15-25 mph in the oppisite direction when we crashed into it going 40. Needless to say it was a bad accident. My step-sister was convulsing and choking on her own vomit and I couldnt breathe for a good 15-20 seconds. By the time I could breathe someone had pulled my step sister out of our vehicle and onto the muddy sideroad-the shitty part was it was pouring on us. I
felt my step-sisters pulse and could tell she was alive but not breathing, so I tilted her head to the left opened her airway and cleared it of obstructions (vomit). With her airway open she opened her eyes and asked if everything was really happening. crazy stuff. Four ambulances took my stepmom/cousin/sister to a hospital where we split up into trauma and ER cases. Both us guys on the right side of the vehicle went to the ER and the women went to trauma ward. The doctor tried to get me naked and I argued because I knew they were cutting up everyone else's clothes. I wasn't about to let _smurfzilla_'s christmas gift of awesome bobba fett be lost to some crappy vehicle collision, so finally we agreed on pants only. (I WIN!)
Here is our vehicle, we got it bad, but not horrible... everything worked as intended saftey wise:
Here is the other guys vehicle:
He is lucky he had dropped his kid off three hours ago, because no passenger would have survived....
So injuries as follows:
Step-cousin: Straned neck, bruised chest, whiplash.
Step-mother: Internal bruising and bleeding, bruises and lacerations all over, whiplash
Step-sister: Broken sternum, bruised lung, whiplash, strained neck, lacerations and bruises all over body
Myself: Fractured rib, compressed spine, whiplash, strained neck, bruised chest, and lacerations.
Yeah exciting end of christmas. I stayed with my sister for a day and half in hospital and eventually managed to get my phone back from the jeep (EVERYTHING flew everywhere during that accident). This is where I was sitting:
This is my hospital gear I walked around with all night and morning ^_^ -- Notice I still have the Bobba Fett shirt... Mandalorians FTW:
And here is me antagonizing my step-sister and her hiding in shame... who would of figured girls don't like to be photographed after a car crash, no shower, and cuts on their forehead??
So fast forward past christmas... lots of healing days... I ended up losing my loss prevention and stage work job with Reza at the rave because I couldn't work the two nights in a row. I would of had to spent the whole night while they setup watching security guards so THEY dont steal the ASSLOAD of equipment at the sports arena. Coincidently a friend hit me up in the morning of the 31st and asked if I was OK after the crash. So clearly I had to ask her if she was partying for new years. Thankfully she was and I found a NYE replacement party the same day of NYE.
I traded this:
for this:
But it was all good and I got an excuse to dress up even though I was f'ed up from the floor up with my post accident pain. Thank god for pain killers. Here was my attire:
Here is my delightful friend crystal who was the one who texted me in the morning. Thanks for the last minute invite ^_^
So yeah... new years was good and good friends kept me going. I finally got home last night and will start work Wed after an unplanned two week vacation. Gah... I'm broken and sore, but gottta get back to the salt mines and earn my money!!
Special thanks to _smurfzilla_ for sending love my way following the accident. She was awesome enough to message me off and on to make sure I was alive and well. Mad love to you Smurf for being awesome!
her hair is appropriately pink colored now too which is sick and SG friendly ^_~
Thats it, blog overkill, but now I won't forget 2010's holiday marathon. Goodbye 2010, you were cruel the last month and a half, here is hoping you can share some kindness and good fortune for 2011.
Happy new year everyone, rock this year like you were having sex with it.
So started off by going to OC on the night of the 22nd after work and I stopped by a friend in Hollywood to spend the night prior to finishing my journey. She makes a lot of Krantom tea which is super good for relaxing and chilling out with someone. Look it up at wikipedia if you don't know what it is cuz you can buy it online ^_^
Saw this funny ass picture when I was turning around in an alley!
In the morning we put a baby doll with pills of asprin glued in its mouth and all around it... I would of took a picture but I was totally still pissed at this...
A freaking parking ticket... only 25 bucks... but I ended up getting another one later in LA for 68 dollars.... damn city is broke and aching for anyone's money.
Anyway fast forward to thursday night. I was helping my buddy Reza to promote his new years rave he does every year in LA (Together as one). So I spent thursday night flyering up the parking lot of club Sutra
and the greater Fullterton area around Cherch lounge
My friend Jarod is pretty much the right hand man for Cherch lounge so I managed to get inside a OC nightclub with a trenchcoat on and a ton of flyers! My friend Erika (DJ Erika Starr) was DJing when I went in... so it was pretty cool I got to talk to her and catch up with my friend Jarod (since I NEVER make it out to the OC club scene, and only handing out flyers brought me there). this picture sucks but its all I Could get in the dark.
So thursday was fun and included a trip to Costa Mesa like three times for private adventures that I will not speak of. My friend Twinkie was with me. He is also a DJ (jungle) and goes by DJ Tony C, but we've called him twinkie since before he was famous in LA and I still call him that. It was good to have him around to help with the flyering business and make a mess all over OC. Fun crazy night and the free kamakzies (spell check!) were awesome way to end night.
Friday was supposed to be Christmas eve mass in San Diego with my mom, step-dad, brother, and sister in law (brothers wife Masako). Unfortunately my brother did the classic Christmas foul up and got wasted for the drive down south, he woke up cursed out his wife for missing a turn and I told him to STFU before I punched him. Needless to say I was done with the night (i'm not religious anyway) and cancelled on Christmas eve m mass because my brother had pushed the limits by making his wife cry on the drive down. We exchanged gifts, the five of us went to denny's and we drove home... perfect dysfunctional reminder. I hate drama.
Christmas was a wild day overall. Started out with a tree and present at my grandparents house for my second official family Christmas event in the holiday.
I got to sit in between my Dad and Masako... the lovely alcohol laced eggnog kept the slow ballet of opening gifts moving at an at least entertaining means.
My favorite gift surprisingly enough was the bumblebee hot coco set and mugs because I will totally be using that coffee mug!
So here is a youtube of my family... since its the easiest way to sum up christmas #2. My dad is the commentator....
So... christmas #2 was followed by christmas #3 with my dad and the step family. This was the main gift I got... so lets hope its DECENT for home coffee stuffz!
Thank you also to Kelly (bed bath and beyond) and my stepmom/dad for the extra cups and italian themed measurement pieces... The home styled gifts are because I just moved into my condo. Afterwards we listened to my stepsister sing a bunch of covers by request which was pretty impressive, because when I asked her to play Something by the Beatles she went online for 5 minutes and came back and played/sang the song perfectly.
By the way this is step-sister:
So after she sang we started going through the alcohol. Me, her and my step cousin Ryan (coolest gay and proud guy you'll ever meet) went through a bottle of Captain and proceeded to take shots of wine afterwards. Our dart game was weak and the partying continued until the wine shots ran out. Somehow they convinced my step mom to do an alcohol run, which sounded good to all of us... so after 11 they mentioned something about checking out some spot up in the muddy mountain areas of OC--this would turn out to be the worst decision of the year that we all agreed upon.
At about 11:30 on a road going up hill, a Explorer Adventure hydroplaned in the oncoming lane and proceeded to let on the brakes. The vehicle lost control and slide perpendicular to us onto our lane; the SUV was probably going about 15-25 mph in the oppisite direction when we crashed into it going 40. Needless to say it was a bad accident. My step-sister was convulsing and choking on her own vomit and I couldnt breathe for a good 15-20 seconds. By the time I could breathe someone had pulled my step sister out of our vehicle and onto the muddy sideroad-the shitty part was it was pouring on us. I
felt my step-sisters pulse and could tell she was alive but not breathing, so I tilted her head to the left opened her airway and cleared it of obstructions (vomit). With her airway open she opened her eyes and asked if everything was really happening. crazy stuff. Four ambulances took my stepmom/cousin/sister to a hospital where we split up into trauma and ER cases. Both us guys on the right side of the vehicle went to the ER and the women went to trauma ward. The doctor tried to get me naked and I argued because I knew they were cutting up everyone else's clothes. I wasn't about to let _smurfzilla_'s christmas gift of awesome bobba fett be lost to some crappy vehicle collision, so finally we agreed on pants only. (I WIN!)
Here is our vehicle, we got it bad, but not horrible... everything worked as intended saftey wise:
Here is the other guys vehicle:
He is lucky he had dropped his kid off three hours ago, because no passenger would have survived....
So injuries as follows:
Step-cousin: Straned neck, bruised chest, whiplash.
Step-mother: Internal bruising and bleeding, bruises and lacerations all over, whiplash
Step-sister: Broken sternum, bruised lung, whiplash, strained neck, lacerations and bruises all over body
Myself: Fractured rib, compressed spine, whiplash, strained neck, bruised chest, and lacerations.
Yeah exciting end of christmas. I stayed with my sister for a day and half in hospital and eventually managed to get my phone back from the jeep (EVERYTHING flew everywhere during that accident). This is where I was sitting:
This is my hospital gear I walked around with all night and morning ^_^ -- Notice I still have the Bobba Fett shirt... Mandalorians FTW:
And here is me antagonizing my step-sister and her hiding in shame... who would of figured girls don't like to be photographed after a car crash, no shower, and cuts on their forehead??
So fast forward past christmas... lots of healing days... I ended up losing my loss prevention and stage work job with Reza at the rave because I couldn't work the two nights in a row. I would of had to spent the whole night while they setup watching security guards so THEY dont steal the ASSLOAD of equipment at the sports arena. Coincidently a friend hit me up in the morning of the 31st and asked if I was OK after the crash. So clearly I had to ask her if she was partying for new years. Thankfully she was and I found a NYE replacement party the same day of NYE.
I traded this:
for this:
But it was all good and I got an excuse to dress up even though I was f'ed up from the floor up with my post accident pain. Thank god for pain killers. Here was my attire:
Here is my delightful friend crystal who was the one who texted me in the morning. Thanks for the last minute invite ^_^
So yeah... new years was good and good friends kept me going. I finally got home last night and will start work Wed after an unplanned two week vacation. Gah... I'm broken and sore, but gottta get back to the salt mines and earn my money!!
Special thanks to _smurfzilla_ for sending love my way following the accident. She was awesome enough to message me off and on to make sure I was alive and well. Mad love to you Smurf for being awesome!
her hair is appropriately pink colored now too which is sick and SG friendly ^_~
Thats it, blog overkill, but now I won't forget 2010's holiday marathon. Goodbye 2010, you were cruel the last month and a half, here is hoping you can share some kindness and good fortune for 2011.
Happy new year everyone, rock this year like you were having sex with it.
I don't know what's going on the with the standards, I see some sets with TERRIBLE lighting getting bought...and as a model that knows about photography, it blows my mind that I fail so hard