My brothers birthday... and me stuck in work clothes for a quick work departure.
and a picture I took of my car, because i heart it.
On another note, i've been tripping lately over chemical attraction. I like a girl and then I don't. The chemical attraction fades... hers remains strong the entire time mine is gone... long time later, mine returns, and at that exact moment on some twist of fate, her chemical attraction fades. I think love is there, for both of us, but the instant chemical gratification has faded. Damn, maybe some things just arent meant to be. But wow, that shit can be ROUGH. I am accepting hugs now.

and a picture I took of my car, because i heart it.

On another note, i've been tripping lately over chemical attraction. I like a girl and then I don't. The chemical attraction fades... hers remains strong the entire time mine is gone... long time later, mine returns, and at that exact moment on some twist of fate, her chemical attraction fades. I think love is there, for both of us, but the instant chemical gratification has faded. Damn, maybe some things just arent meant to be. But wow, that shit can be ROUGH. I am accepting hugs now.
If it's something that really influence your life, GO FOR IT
it's all about the person and the tattoo they want. My parents would die if they knew I had comic book characters on my leg, but they don't understand the meaning these characters have for me