why start off the day
? i don't get it. i want to go to colonel cluckers where there is no yelling...sickly i welcome this as re-enforcement of my decision. don't let fear take control. never be afraid to change. the power of now blah blah blah nicest guy on the planet?! if that's the case then i need to get off this pathetic rock immediately...i guess we all make our own reality.
maybe it's true: i'm too sensitive because i was raised by hippies that didn't yell at each other, throw things, hit each other, or call each other names. well, godbless the 60's man for mellowing my various parents out.
babble babble babble
i wish i was with my GA friend now to tell me nice things & to get a little
& make me
cuz u a freaky little
i'll be thinking about you while i breath in that country air so i can think happy thought & feel like i'm taking in all your sweet goodness.

maybe it's true: i'm too sensitive because i was raised by hippies that didn't yell at each other, throw things, hit each other, or call each other names. well, godbless the 60's man for mellowing my various parents out.

babble babble babble
i wish i was with my GA friend now to tell me nice things & to get a little

P.S. not everyone in the world is
Also sometimes I'm
3 days till Italy