sis is actually taking a risk! this is like amazing cuz she hasn't taken 1 in years. she is moving to SLC to take a job with a start-up company. this city will be perfect for her since she doesn't like to drink or engage in other naughtyness.
actually i am proud of her for taking this chance and am glad that she will...
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I'M D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It amazed me that the whole process took only 30-minutes. We got through it fine, minus a little bickering and a few tears when the consumer told me "if you ever want to get marreid again, i'll always marry you." A prospect both sweet and depressing...I had some more minor water work again when he shook my hand and said "nice being marreid...
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You have been gone from the site for a while. Must be all that fun you are having. Hope all is well.

so i found myself pondering how much my life has changed recently and realized that my life used to completely revolve around work. now my life has very little to do with work other than the work day. i need to enjoy the fact that i still don't know my co-workers all the well: enjoy not taking things to personally becasue there is nothing personal...
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ha!, nice. feed the butcher all the love you can, but i don't recommend diving into another marriage. that your heart is in reserve and your kitty is still hungry speaks volumes. listen to the one closer to your head
Grats on D day too

Grats on D day too

Yeah for you!!!
It is surprising how long we will put up with something that is untolerable when the alternative is ...change.
It is surprising how long we will put up with something that is untolerable when the alternative is ...change.

hello! i can't believe i haven't posted since June 12! i have a good multi-tiered excuse though: the computer has been in pieces for the move, i just got my phone service hooked up & even though i can access the internet at work, they frown upon the content of this site...
so, i finally have all my stuff moved to my new place &...
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so, i finally have all my stuff moved to my new place &...
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I'm so happy to hear you are being properly serviced.
As for the ring, What kind of stone? How big?
My favorite source for loose mountings is, they have just about everything. you won't be able to get prices, but if you find something from them you like I can look up the price and order it and set it for you. Go to showroom then mountings then colored stones then by shape of stone and size and type of metal. I hope that helps.
Sorry, link did not work.
[Edited on Jul 09, 2005 6:44PM]

As for the ring, What kind of stone? How big?
My favorite source for loose mountings is, they have just about everything. you won't be able to get prices, but if you find something from them you like I can look up the price and order it and set it for you. Go to showroom then mountings then colored stones then by shape of stone and size and type of metal. I hope that helps.
Sorry, link did not work.
[Edited on Jul 09, 2005 6:44PM]
have you ever had those moments of clarity when you recognize your thought patterns? i've recently realized some that the consumer of resouces has left me with.
things like "do it this way so he won't get mad." i was horrified at 1st, because this is soooooooooo not me. but as in meditation, i am trying not to judge myself & just be glad that...
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Hey....I was wondering when you were going to be back. I was listening to Bob Marley and I was thinking about you in Jamaica. How was it?
Welcome back, I so envy you getting to go somewhere, let a lone somewhere that fantastic! I can believe you didn't sample some delicious Jamaican pussy while you had the chance.
The stories are all in my past journal entries, I hope they do it for you.

success for my stray dog! the vet called to say that he was reunited with his family. YEAH!!!
don't you love it when jobs you applied for months ago, but have completely forgotten about finally get around to calling you? glad i had the foresight to start keeping track of all the crap i'm applying for so i could get a quick refresher...
i must...
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don't you love it when jobs you applied for months ago, but have completely forgotten about finally get around to calling you? glad i had the foresight to start keeping track of all the crap i'm applying for so i could get a quick refresher...
i must...
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muahahah, now all your base are belong to us

I'll have a few drinks from that bar.
wow. i can't believe how emotionally exhausting email can be. but since i'm the 1 who opened the box marked "pandora", i guess i gotta take it on the chin...truth be told it hurts, but it feels good too.
to my on going history lesson: i'm not sure why i am still talking to you, but i'm glad we're still in touch. it's cheaper &...
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to my on going history lesson: i'm not sure why i am still talking to you, but i'm glad we're still in touch. it's cheaper &...
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My one daughter is 5 and loves to play with baby dolls. It is the first thing she asks me to do when she sees me. "Will you play baby's with me?" It is so sweet. How could I ever say no. I am to get them this weekend and still waiting for that job to call. I know what you dad meant about the divorces. I feel the exact same way.

The job never called for I waited all day. How did his move out go. Do tell.
since i am going through some tough times, a friend asked me if i had thoughts of suicide. i had to laugh because i used to have these thoughts when everything was "fine." (mostly in the form of "somebody shoot me now...") now that i've admitted to myself that things are not "fine" these thoughts have not crossed my mind. now the only suicide related...
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When is your trip taking place?
What type of jobs are you applying for?
I am supposed to hear back from this job tomorrow and will let you know what happens.

I am supposed to hear back from this job tomorrow and will let you know what happens.

Your welcome, and thanks for the movie suggestion, I somehow had not heard of it...
I guess I'll have to watch it soon.

Today I learned a valuable lesson on history repeating itself: proximity always wins. I guess people can only change so much. I also learned that my acid induced epiphany low those many years ago was right on the money. It is all about 1 thing with us...But DAMN if I didn't want just a little bit more of it. Ah well, I'm sure it all...
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err..make that Saturday night...the 26th. Linear time is an unpleasant challenge for me.
Thank you for your comment in my journal, I just found it or I would have replied before now.
Was it a good one? I always hope I can inspire someone to masturbation, but I don't often hear from them if I do.
Was it a good one? I always hope I can inspire someone to masturbation, but I don't often hear from them if I do.

more cool indian stories: "i was hunting in the forest & i spotted a white stag. white deer are very sacred to our people & the pelts are prized above many things. i had a clear shot, but he was so beautiful i couldn't bring myself to aim my arrow at him. i told my father about this & he could not believe that i...
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it was very yummy and a good boost for the ego

I've got a step dad. He's totally cool. He never tried to do anything but be my friend and love my mom. But I think I was probably lucky.
Vincent's step dad definately has a problem with the boning of the mom. I think he's really intimidated by a lot of things, my life has moved in a totally diferent direction than Shayne's and I think that this guy looks at me and see's a person that can have whatever he wants (he's totally wrong btw). He's afraid that I'm going to come around and start taking what's his. He's really young and maybe a little ignorant. So I guess it's his problem. Vincent and I talk about it and we both know that it doesn't have to get in the way of our friendship.
Thanks for checking out the SB set
And I love your profile pic, hot stuff
Vincent's step dad definately has a problem with the boning of the mom. I think he's really intimidated by a lot of things, my life has moved in a totally diferent direction than Shayne's and I think that this guy looks at me and see's a person that can have whatever he wants (he's totally wrong btw). He's afraid that I'm going to come around and start taking what's his. He's really young and maybe a little ignorant. So I guess it's his problem. Vincent and I talk about it and we both know that it doesn't have to get in the way of our friendship.
Thanks for checking out the SB set