Holy shit the insects here are unreal, I stomped on a waspr my foot wasp steel tower floor... it fucking flew away. The only thing I found that could stop them is by pouring my breakfast syrup on the ground from the tower, waiting for a swarm to land and eat on it... and drop a five pound sand bag from 30 feet above. I would have checked for a confirmed kill but I was afraid they were still alive and really pissed off. Two more days and I'm off this guard duty bull shit, thank god. I've found an alternate way for my birthday.. the chow hall serves "near beer" alch cont ,00000003 so I'm gonna give a 21 gun salute. Suposidly if you drink enough of this crap you'll get a buzz.... I got 12 hours to try it.
Watch out for those wasps!
i had several drinks in your honor last night.