Man, my sleeping scheadule is fucked up, I fell asleep while wrapping a birthday present last night around 9pm and woke up around 2am wondering where the hell i was. Needless to say i was up for hours, till i finally fell back to sleep.
My throat is killing me, I can barely swallow, I dont even want to look at the back of my throat, I know its all red and puss filled.
Damn you sick person for passing this to me, Now i expect you to pamper me with Soup and ah... other things
My throat is killing me, I can barely swallow, I dont even want to look at the back of my throat, I know its all red and puss filled.
Damn you sick person for passing this to me, Now i expect you to pamper me with Soup and ah... other things

just spit!
that's my bad joke for the week....good thing it came early!