Short blog. Going to bed soon. I just got my clit hood pierced today. I originally wanted a triangle but after talking to Chris(2-Bit) about it I decided to go with the vertical. Man did it hurt. It was the only piercing that made me cry out. But honestly it wasn't horrible and the pain only lasted fore a second. It feels nice already too
I will be on a long plane ride though Saturday so we will see how nice it feels then. I am going home to Texas to see my family and I can't wait. I haven't seen them in over a year. I don't know how much longer my grandfather has considering he has an inoperable brain tumor but the doctors say he is doing ok compared to before when he couldn't speak or hear properly and kept falling down and bleeding from the ears. My sister is joining the Air Force too so I don't know where they will end up sending her yet. Wouldn't it be awesome if she could be stationed with her big sis in paradise. Last time I was home my best friend had brain surgery too and I can't wait to see her again. Her hair is getting pretty long after that and since I just cut mine off we will kinda match. haha. Well enough for now. I know I haven't been here for a while but I've been feeling a little disconnected lately.

Pics or it didn't happen 

Show it off gorgeous!