I want to share some of my accomplishments today. I feel really proud of myself and I can't keep it in. I have started a new workout program and its the middle of week 4. Today I was feeling like crap. My stomach hurt and I was congested and exhausted. I'm still exhausted because I busted ass during my workout today. I'm drenched. Its a cardio sandwich every day so 20 min of tredmill or eliptical then weights then depending what week you are on you do so many calories on the tredmil or eliptical before you can be done. I started today thinking it was going to suck it I was going to go easy so I jogged a lap on the tredmil and started going into intervals. I was going to do a quarter running and a quarter walking. Intervals zap the fat right off you and that is definitely one of my goals. I was running at 7 mph and after a quarter I though this is easy, so I upped it to running half a lap then walking a quarter lap. I did that the rest of the time without dropping my running speed at all. I was super proud of myself. Next was weights and it was legs and shoulders followed, just like everyday, by core. During the leg press I was feeling a little dizzy. Not sure if it was from pushing it on the warm up run or because I was feeling a little crappy earlier in the day. I recovered ok though and powered through the rest of the weights. Core got me though. We were doing flutter kicks, scissors and in-and-outs. Those always get me. I hate flutter kicks. After that I had 400 calories to complete. I was thinking ok its going to take forever since I'm tired and I went in to this thinking I was going to go easy. I did 200 in 15 min. That was faster than the rest of the people and I was pushing pretty hard. I went at a pretty leisurely pace after that and completed the 400 in 34 min. Hopefully I can do as well Friday. Its hard and gets harder every week but I am enjoying it and I never have enjoyed working out much. My goals are to get 47 push ups in a minute. I know 47 is arbitrary but its a fitness assessment and 47 is the max you have to get. My last assessment was at 30. I also want to beat my best run time which was 13:45 for a mile and a half and get at least a 95 on my assessment. I've been mid to high eighties for a while now and its been difficult to push it to that 90+ which is one of the reasons I started PIMP(Personal Improvement and Motivation Program) lol. I also want to be able to run 3+ miles without stopping which 1 mile right now is a struggle. My running form sucks. Well I'm off to take a shower and then I'm treating myself to a banana shake 

That's awesome! Congrats!
Wow, that's a really impressive workout, congrats! You're just beautiful in your photos btw
Have a great night!