Wow I haven't been here in a while. Not sure where to begin. My sister is joining the Air Force. I'm really proud of her. She was meant to swear in today but through out this whole thing she has met with adversary. Whether it was a shop lifting ticket she had to get a waiver for, or the Chief retiring and the new one taking sick leave as soon as he got there, or now the Commander didn't route her paperwork in time. She is set to swear in Monday. I wish I could be there to see her off. Its hard not being close to family. Especially right now since my papa has been having such a hard time. Since he moved he had to put off divorce till after he has lived there 90 days, her lover moved in the their house and he just wants it sold in the divorce so we will see what happened. This guy she had an affair with has had 7 wives and cheated on every single one of them. I hope she realizes she isn't different, shes just the next distraction. But my dad is dating again. There is a therapist he met at the gym, which is much better than dating sites. Can you imagine your parents on dating sites? It went well but she wants to be friends and take it slow. He says he is kind of glad my sisters date has been postponed because he had her with him when it was real bad. He is doing much better now. I wish I could be there for him. I hate being so far away
Well as for me I am the heaviest I have ever been( I'm not telling you how much I weigh) but I have also started a fitness program. I basically have a free personal trainer. It is grueling but I love it. Today was day 1 of week 3. We do a cardio sandwich which consists of 20 min of cardio on the elliptical or tredmil then strength training the body part of the day then wk1 is 250 calories and each week it goes up 50. Now I'm on 350. I pumped it out today though in less than 30 min. I even felt sick today. Its funny I'll feel sick and go to work out and feel better because of it. I normally hate working out but this new thing is great. It helps that there are others, I don't like working out by myself, and that there is someone to push me and encourage me.
Update on the past: I did do the cleanse but only for 9 days. I started feeling kind of crappy. I'll attempt another round sometime in December or January.
I plan a trip home finally in Nov. It will have been a year since I've been home. I hope it will coincide with my sisters basic training graduation.
My guy and I are doing well though I feel I've hit a personal rut just because we have been super homebodies lately. We just need to get back out and start doing stuff again. Also I have a friend who is also my cleaning lady who may be interested in some nookie so it will be nice to be with a girl again.
Thats all I can think of. Oh wait and I'm buying a house. Not sure if I've mentioned that in past blogs. I have an appt with the loan guy Thurs. Also a random list of some dreams I have(definitely not all of them):
I want to learn Spanish
I want to learn the violin and cello. They are so beautiful.
That is all. Have a good day

Well as for me I am the heaviest I have ever been( I'm not telling you how much I weigh) but I have also started a fitness program. I basically have a free personal trainer. It is grueling but I love it. Today was day 1 of week 3. We do a cardio sandwich which consists of 20 min of cardio on the elliptical or tredmil then strength training the body part of the day then wk1 is 250 calories and each week it goes up 50. Now I'm on 350. I pumped it out today though in less than 30 min. I even felt sick today. Its funny I'll feel sick and go to work out and feel better because of it. I normally hate working out but this new thing is great. It helps that there are others, I don't like working out by myself, and that there is someone to push me and encourage me.
Update on the past: I did do the cleanse but only for 9 days. I started feeling kind of crappy. I'll attempt another round sometime in December or January.
I plan a trip home finally in Nov. It will have been a year since I've been home. I hope it will coincide with my sisters basic training graduation.
My guy and I are doing well though I feel I've hit a personal rut just because we have been super homebodies lately. We just need to get back out and start doing stuff again. Also I have a friend who is also my cleaning lady who may be interested in some nookie so it will be nice to be with a girl again.
Thats all I can think of. Oh wait and I'm buying a house. Not sure if I've mentioned that in past blogs. I have an appt with the loan guy Thurs. Also a random list of some dreams I have(definitely not all of them):
I want to learn Spanish
I want to learn the violin and cello. They are so beautiful.
That is all. Have a good day

Glad to see you back. I have missed hearing from you!!!