ugh i cant sit still. energy coursing through my viens but its 10pm on a sunday night in small town oklahoma!
None of my games enterest me anymore. I want to rent a movie but dont feel like going to cockbuster. I'd buy a dvd but dont feel like spending the money on it. I've got movies to watch here, but I'd like something to snack/ have for diner while i watch them. But i dont know what i want.
I know what I want, a god damn girlfriend. Or at the very least someone to hang thats not another guy. Maybe this is all just spring fever related shit?
I doubt it, most of my energy feels like destructive energy. I just want to go around breaking windows, burning down buildings, and blowing up cars.
None of my games enterest me anymore. I want to rent a movie but dont feel like going to cockbuster. I'd buy a dvd but dont feel like spending the money on it. I've got movies to watch here, but I'd like something to snack/ have for diner while i watch them. But i dont know what i want.
I know what I want, a god damn girlfriend. Or at the very least someone to hang thats not another guy. Maybe this is all just spring fever related shit?
I doubt it, most of my energy feels like destructive energy. I just want to go around breaking windows, burning down buildings, and blowing up cars.