decided to go ahead and post a pic of myself, shits and giggles, I really dont like the way i look. Though I just need to lose weight and i know it. The chick in that picture is awesome. I wish i could get to know her better, which makes me sound like a stalker or something cause i met her once. Shes a professional gamer who goes by Korneila when she plays. Great accient, great player....I got to play her cause there were some no shows, she was doing a thing for her sponsers where she plays people at doom 3 (or whatever FPS is big at the time) and they needed people so i steped up. If you beat her you could win a cool alienware laptop. Or if you just got a frag or two you gota t-shirt. Well i didnt get one single kill, even though i came close several times as the people were telling me afterwards. She shook my hand (kind of embaressing i was all nervous and sweaty (yeah my hands sweat sometimes when i play games). Then she told me I played very well and that I could go ahead and get a shirt. And thats how i got my doom 3 shirt which i love dearly. too bad im too fucking fat to fit in it.
More Blogs
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solid snake an old man? i need a hug -
Thursday Aug 25, 2005
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Monday Jul 11, 2005
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Tuesday Jun 07, 2005
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Monday Jun 06, 2005
I miss my muffin.... -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
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Wednesday May 18, 2005
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Wednesday May 04, 2005
Changed the ol profile around, trying to get it to represent me best,… -
Tuesday May 03, 2005
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Wednesday Apr 27, 2005
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