solid snake an old man? i need a hug
Nothings going on
Still hate my job. Still hate people. Still wishing some new games would come out
I dont have much to rant/cry/talk about So whatever just thought Id update this for shits and giggles.
Thats all go away now I have to go kill kittens.
Still hate my job. Still hate people. Still wishing some new games would come out
I dont have much to rant/cry/talk about So whatever just thought Id update this for shits and giggles.
Thats all go away now I have to go kill kittens.
You know my brother, eh...weird. But cool.
When is Quakecon exactly? I've been wanting to go for the past couple years but never seem to have the time and/or finances to go. It is most frustrating.
I think I'd kill a baby before I'd kill a kitten....kittens are so cute, babies are kind of annoying and look like trolls.
Just kidding, I would never kill a baby...
...or would I?
When is Quakecon exactly? I've been wanting to go for the past couple years but never seem to have the time and/or finances to go. It is most frustrating.
I think I'd kill a baby before I'd kill a kitten....kittens are so cute, babies are kind of annoying and look like trolls.
Just kidding, I would never kill a baby...
...or would I?
Thankyou for your comment on my set!
but how can you say that about ferrari's!
They're my favourite cars! 

One month till quakecon. So much to do it seems in so little time. Like get my doom 3 game up so i can compete. I should make it through the first free for all rounds, but gonig one on one with top players, not only from america but Europe too scares the shit out of me. Turns out i wont have a room for...
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just now saw the question about the scope mounted to my SAW.
"actually the SAW is pretty accurate in bursts of 3-5 rounds. same high power .223 round as the M16. that sight is actually more of a night scope than a day scope. it's only 4 power mag with built in night vision.
but i've attached the ACOG off a buddies M16A4 to the SAW and gotten accurate fire out to 600m or so.
For the Marines the SAW isn't really a support weapon, it's the focus of the four man fire team. "
it was a good question. I've never seen scopes mounted to medium or heavy MG's, but the SAW is supposed to be more of an "automatic rifle" even though what it really is, is a light MG. the USMC is gonna replace it in the future with the XM-8 Assault Rifle variant, so we'll actually have an assault rifle we can maneuver with. 'course...I'll be out by then.
"actually the SAW is pretty accurate in bursts of 3-5 rounds. same high power .223 round as the M16. that sight is actually more of a night scope than a day scope. it's only 4 power mag with built in night vision.
but i've attached the ACOG off a buddies M16A4 to the SAW and gotten accurate fire out to 600m or so.
For the Marines the SAW isn't really a support weapon, it's the focus of the four man fire team. "
it was a good question. I've never seen scopes mounted to medium or heavy MG's, but the SAW is supposed to be more of an "automatic rifle" even though what it really is, is a light MG. the USMC is gonna replace it in the future with the XM-8 Assault Rifle variant, so we'll actually have an assault rifle we can maneuver with. 'course...I'll be out by then.
no problem.
yeh. it's meant to be fired from the prone. I can hit a target out to a couple hundred meters should firing it, but it's really too heavy with ammo and all to keep it in the shoulder for long.

yeh. it's meant to be fired from the prone. I can hit a target out to a couple hundred meters should firing it, but it's really too heavy with ammo and all to keep it in the shoulder for long.
nobody, nobody gets out alive
Well, glasses are the hardest thing to find, at least for me, cause when I don't have them on I can't see! 

I miss my muffin....

seems like lifes a party, where everyone gets drunk and laid.....BUT ME!
seems like lifes a party, where everyones too ...smashed to leave
Life still seems like a lengthy suicide pact
Fenchurch i love thee for linking to johny hobo and the frieht trains!!!
seems like lifes a party, where everyones too ...smashed to leave
Life still seems like a lengthy suicide pact
Fenchurch i love thee for linking to johny hobo and the frieht trains!!!
Well turned 21...dont feel much differant although now all my underage friends want me to buy booze for em.
It was funny me being in the liqour store saturday, looking at all the differant brands ive never heard of before. I couldnt decide what to get so i just settled for a small bottle of vodka and small bottle of jack daniels.
Btw Grey Goose...
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It was funny me being in the liqour store saturday, looking at all the differant brands ive never heard of before. I couldnt decide what to get so i just settled for a small bottle of vodka and small bottle of jack daniels.
Btw Grey Goose...
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Changed the ol profile around, trying to get it to represent me best, i never really know how to fill them out to make myself feel witty. So i put more honest answers down...or i think i did. I'm such a liar i cant tell when im being honest or not. Not really but still.....sklafjsdlkfja;sldk yeah you know what i mean.
Well that series of comments makes no sense to me, but welcome to SGOK anyway. See ya on the board!
upgrading my pc soon, i want a red lit lens like from 2001 A space odessy and name my computer HAL...Then make my windows boot up with "good morning dave" instead of that ghey tone windaz uses. Or maybe ill just save that for the Mac Mini ive been lusting after?
Mood - Indifferant
Song - Rolling Stones - Wild horses
Mood - Indifferant
Song - Rolling Stones - Wild horses
One example of many.
By less time I mean 2 hours a day as opposed to 7...
nothing else to update with, so i leave the one or two people that might glance at my journal with this conversation that got started with the lightsaber spoon subject
Nodwick84: hmm is it worth it to go to wall mart to get a lightsaber spoon?
Xtant2002: hahah
Nodwick84: i almost think it is
Xtant2002: I saw that when I was walking through
Nodwick84: do...
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Nodwick84: hmm is it worth it to go to wall mart to get a lightsaber spoon?
Xtant2002: hahah
Nodwick84: i almost think it is
Xtant2002: I saw that when I was walking through
Nodwick84: do...
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Lucas is a dick!