i fucking hate fedex. mad mad mad mad
thanks for the kind words on my set!
a ninja theme eh?
i hate fed ex as well.
xo annabelle
fuck restless again. quakecon sign up today, so excited I cant sleep. it feels like i have alot of anger to get out but i dont know what im mad at so weird
I make custom shirts!!!!
we have the same birthday. except I'm one year older than you. biggrin
just took this online inkblotch test thinggy jennrose posted. my results?

This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new...
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meh guess time for an update. I spent the whole weekend drinking. I'm a lucky bastard that doesnt really get hungover, of course when I'm, hanging out with friends we dont really sleep when we drink together. Absolut vodka is the shit. I want an iv drip into my veins.
leathal? yes but id die happy.

I drink it straight out of the bottle does...
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Haha...well I'm 19, and I've gotten much drunker than that on occasion (it seems my typing skills are always the first thing to go) but good luck to you! I've never had to have my stomach pumped, and I wholeheartedly hope I never will.
PS - My usual fare is PBR and Lucky Strikes wink
should i get a tattoo? of what? I should loose weight first so it doesnt look so funny or mis-shappen on me. a friend of mine got inked, seems like all my friends are getting inked.

Peer pressure!

i uploaded a pic of his zelda tattoo into my picutres
ugh i cant sit still. energy coursing through my viens but its 10pm on a sunday night in small town oklahoma!

None of my games enterest me anymore. I want to rent a movie but dont feel like going to cockbuster. I'd buy a dvd but dont feel like spending the money on it. I've got movies to watch here, but I'd like something to...
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holy crap that pick makes me look.... i dont know, but at that size its horrible! i...ugh hatehmmmm shut up
Yeah, they have girls stuff, but it's all "my boyfriend is a geek" or "i think geeks are hot". I don't like it.
I creep my self out someitmes

I gotta stop eating so much...but food, soo good.

Maybe tomorrow I'll go for a walk. But when Im alone with my thoughts i start thinking, and it makes me depressed, is that weird? should I be worried? Am I one paranoid mutha fucka?

Smashing Pumpkins kick ass

I think i may watch the original star wars triliogy for...
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Haha, thanks for the email. Feel free to im me some time, I just want to warn you that sometimes I'm busy/tired/cranky and not really up for idle aim chatting. But it's nothing personal! Thanks for the kind words smile

PS - I've been watching the Episode 3 trailer a lot.
decided to go ahead and post a pic of myself, shits and giggles, I really dont like the way i look. Though I just need to lose weight and i know it. The chick in that picture is awesome. I wish i could get to know her better, which makes me sound like a stalker or something cause i met her once. Shes a professional...
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