Friday Apr 28, 2006 Apr 27, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email can someone get me a McDonalds please? I know they're evil but it will cure my hangover VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS mmm: Hahaha! Point taken, I'm sorry! I actually say it to distance myself as far as possible from the train wreck that was school, if that makes any sense. Apr 30, 2006 kc83: Thanks! God i've never been near a McDonalds since I saw "Super Size Me" that film put me off for life! Hope the hangover is better, I always find a bacon roll and a can of Irn Bru sorts me out. May 1, 2006
I actually say it to distance myself as far as possible from the train wreck that was school, if that makes any sense.
God i've never been near a McDonalds since I saw "Super Size Me" that film put me off for life!
Hope the hangover is better, I always find a bacon roll and a can of Irn Bru sorts me out.