It’s weird that I can feel as alone as I do right now. I know I have friends and people I could spend time with. But nobody that fills an emotional void. Nobody that I feel close to.
I got a good friend who started dating a swinger. Nice girl, I’ve had conversations with her. She asked along with the concent of my friend if she could have sex with me. the best answer I would give is, “we’ll see”. It’s just a weird thing. Also, I’m no longer in the stage of my life when I leap into having sex with people.
It’s more about, is this going to be more of a headache than it’s worth?
I got another gal pal, who has a friend who will be visiting from Australia this summer. Her Auzzie friend said she wanted to hook up with a “Hawaiian guy” but not some random “creepo”. Now, I’m not Ethnic Hawaiian but I guess I’m brown enough, I guess. My friend sent me photos, and she’s seen photos of me and like the other situation, it wouldn’t be a problem. With the exception of the damn set up.
It’s just weird.
Physical contact is nice but it’s the emotional closeness I’ve forgotten what’s it’s like to let my guard down and trust somebody enough to feel open.