When I stay up all night or if I take extended naps it’s always a horrible time for me. Sleeping in the day, my anxiety and things that have been bothering me in the back of my mind come to be when I sleep in the daylight.
My dreams in the day is somewhere between awake and asleep. It’s like being stuck in your thoughts but in a state of dreaming. Think if you have a self destructive thought but you don’t know it’s a thought, that it’s actually happening and you can’t snap out of it.
That’s me when I nap. Sleeping in the day is rare for me to be sure. Or at least more then 20 minutes at a time.
It’s 100% worse when I’m actively stressing about something and have a hard time sleeping at night.
Other things going on..but I had a few of these “dreams” lately and my sleep is a little wonkey. I should get to sleep at a more respectable hour.