I wish I could write stories. I've always thought about wiring an adventurer/wanderer like in games like D&D.

He goes around and helps people, but, like the Spider-Man story line (also shown in Remi's Spider-Man 2) he resents helping people and questions why he does it.

I want things like a villager was forcibly conscripted by a tyrant and was a good man. The hero...
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I think it's a great concept.

So i guess I have all my accommodations set. Just have to pack but that part can wait a little longer.

My auntie passed away two weeks ago in Seattle. I wish I could say that I fell apart at the news. I was having a pretty rough day at work putting out other peoples fires when the call came in.

She passed away that...
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You will be ok, my friend. Be safe, protect yourself, and find ways/times to reduce any anxiety. Live the life you are living and give your aunt a respectful farewell. You got this.

Growing up in a Female household I grew up with a lot of RomComs. There was always this one set up in the movies I always hated, when the hero is an average or below average guy has to win a girl who is in a horrible relationship. The guy she's trapped with is somebody who is perfect but has the worst possible personality and...
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I read it and I understand where you are coming from. Be prepared to be patient, kind, and understanding for a long time. But if she is worth it, this shouldn’t be hard to do. I’m always around if you need to DM and vent or discuss your strategy. Be strong my friend!

Had a heart to heart with my sister tonight. She is in the process of going through a divorce and while she has always kept the problems of her marriage secret. She poured out her soul to me.

I’ve had issues with my brother in law as of late but I always gave him the the benefit of the doubt because he was the father...
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I hope your sister is doing better now. Toxic people are hard to leave when you love them. Especially when kids are involved.
@allyx She is in a better state of mind now. Sometimes happiness is just a lack of sadness and it's a great step in the right direction.

My exes sister contacted me on facebook to chat me up again. It’s always a little cute but our history is weird. I mean, she did ask me to have a child with her husband’s approval. (OK he has 3 girls from a previous marriage and has 2 girls with her and he just wants a son). I assume he’s ok with it because of...
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It’s weird that I can feel as alone as I do right now. I know I have friends and people I could spend time with. But nobody that fills an emotional void. Nobody that I feel close to.

I got a good friend who started dating a swinger. Nice girl, I’ve had conversations with her. She asked along with the concent of my friend if...
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I think once you get to a certain age, it’s more important to have that connection with someone... good luck

When I stay up all night or if I take extended naps it’s always a horrible time for me. Sleeping in the day, my anxiety and things that have been bothering me in the back of my mind come to be when I sleep in the daylight.

My dreams in the day is somewhere between awake and asleep. It’s like being stuck in your thoughts...
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@chroi @bookcouple thanks for the concern and tips, it's always been an issue for me when I sleep when the sun is up. And like I said, it's worse if I'm stressed.
I feel you! Anxiety is the biggest b*tch and stress kills hun. Keep moving forward.

My life never has been my own. It will never be my own. Not to go into details here, but that’s what’s been messing with me.

The fact that my responsibilities and been decided for me though no actions of my own. The fact that stigmas I live with had nothing to do with my actions.

Maybe it’s best if I’m forever single.

How can...
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Oh man do i feel this