Well not much to say here that I have already stated in past journal entries. Sorry I have been kind of a home body these past few weeks. I do have plenty of photos that I need to post that I am late doing so as I have promissed them before but, such is the life of a procrastinator (sp) right?
More Blogs
Monday Dec 19, 2005
People are dropping like flies around here... it's sad to see. But on… -
Tuesday Dec 13, 2005
Read More -
Friday Dec 02, 2005
Okay so after calling Chrysler Corp. and bitching, I put a phone call… -
Wednesday Nov 30, 2005
It's now 6:30am and I have been wake since 3:00 am cracking out some … -
Wednesday Nov 16, 2005
So I went to the garage where my car has been for the past 3 weeks (s… -
Friday Nov 11, 2005
I am so stressed out right now. My car is still in the shop and the m… -
Friday Nov 04, 2005
Cool things that happend this week... I got my car outta the shop,… -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2005
So this little evil lady named Holliday tagged me today. Which means … -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
If you haven't been keeping up with my journal the past few weeks the… -
Sunday Oct 30, 2005
Fucking Monkies... you don't say is it really sunday? The past two da…