I didn't think there'd be such a demand on those photo's I took this past weekend. Guess I should have thought better, being we're all pretty much voyeurs at heart.
Because of this I will solve the issue of not being able to email everyone pictures, by creating a SG Texas Valentine Celebration Photo Archive CD for everyone that made the Austin Valentines Day event.
So you all will get the large un-edited directors cut. This will include all 50+ photos that I took between my Digital Rebel and the "Community Camera" that I brought along.
So yeah, um in the next few days I hope to have these ready and as for the people in Austin when I have them done I will be able to met with ya'll some time to give them to you. For those of you in DFW, Houston, San Antonio... or where ever you may be I will have to get your address or maybe just hold on to the disks until the next time your intown.

I'd love to just email them out to ya'll but it would take to much of my very little available time to edit them all to a size that's emailable and even with that they would have to come in wave because as it is right now my email account won't allow me to send files that are over 1mg. The pictures off my Cannon Rebel are in the upwards of 3mgs.
So I guess this will be my belated Valentines Day gift to all of you!

Where do you work in Austin? Are you there now? Hopefully I will have a job here in the near future.