It's now 6:30am and I have been wake since 3:00 am cracking out some work that needs to be completed by 8:00 am this moring.
I fucking Love Coffee, Fools!!!
There ain't nothing like being wired on caffine and jamming out to some serious metal while making bucu bucks...
For those of you that are currious about the state of my PT Cruiser well... you aren't the only ones. Seems that I have become such a pest that they are avoiding me now. No return phone calls and when I went over to the dealership yesterday after work I notice the service manager speeding off as I hopped out of my '55 Buick.
Damn it's hard to sneak up on bitches in that old beast!
ROFL!!!! Anyway I gotta get back to work cause I my leg has the caffine jitters now and if I don't start moving I may just explode!!!
I fucking Love Coffee, Fools!!!

There ain't nothing like being wired on caffine and jamming out to some serious metal while making bucu bucks...
For those of you that are currious about the state of my PT Cruiser well... you aren't the only ones. Seems that I have become such a pest that they are avoiding me now. No return phone calls and when I went over to the dealership yesterday after work I notice the service manager speeding off as I hopped out of my '55 Buick.
Damn it's hard to sneak up on bitches in that old beast!
ROFL!!!! Anyway I gotta get back to work cause I my leg has the caffine jitters now and if I don't start moving I may just explode!!!