overall, today was SOOOO boring!!! no one was around cept my sister and lets face it, we weren't chatting too much. krystal was at universal studios and all my friends were at one place or another. then i went to work and totally kicked @$$!!! god i was so tight on the phone today (sorry abouuth the ego trip. don't get to do it much so i'm living it up now) but man i was rocking socks! then i came home and things were boring again. watched teen titans and family guy and just when i thought my night was over and i'd be coming on herre to fill out my nightly blog, i decided to im jessyca and we each wrote 1 hour stories! it was so much fun! i gave her a broad storyline and she gave me the same and we both got to it. i thought mine was kinda hard cuz it was about sumthin i don't really know anything about but it sure didn't stop me from trying my best. so the night gets to end on a positive note for a change. YAY! thanks jess!
< hahaha look, mucha lucha!