Bit of some good alcohol. Some shroomies to enjoy the great outdoors. Cavi cones are my favorite right now!!!
My life is full of randomness, and I fcuking love it !!!
April was a blur. 4/20 was awesome. Random pictures is what I'm all about. Haha. Uhm. I'm super excited to go to Canada. Have everything I need ready for camping. Hopefully I can find some good bud in Canada and Washington!
Is there anyone going to this? It's should be super dope. It's a great lineup and the camping should be sick. Especially because it's in bc, Canada!!!
I love
So far this year everything has been fcukin great. My son is beginning to crawl everywhere. That guy is my whole world, and my reason to wake up the next day. Other busines is going well and I started then first hockey club for my local union. Setting myself up to be a boss calling shots in the future. :) good vibes
My way of
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I love life and its wonders