I just got some news that made my day! I am moving to a new place out in south Vancouver. For a year or so now my boyfriend and I have been in a never ending debate over living in Vancouver, I'd like to say we were trying to be responsible about it, you know, looking at the positives and negetives of moving out there. But lets get realiistic its fucking Vancouver, wheres the negetive side of that?
Every city has its ups and downs but if you look at per cappa Vancouver aint doing too bad.
Long time ago he made a promise to me on christmas eve, he said "baby, you bail me out of jail and we will move to vancouver" ....... now thats love right there, LOL!
im kidding.
but we did make me that promise, and here we are a year ++ down the road and I am finally so close to vancouver i can smell it
Every city has its ups and downs but if you look at per cappa Vancouver aint doing too bad.
Long time ago he made a promise to me on christmas eve, he said "baby, you bail me out of jail and we will move to vancouver" ....... now thats love right there, LOL!
im kidding.
but we did make me that promise, and here we are a year ++ down the road and I am finally so close to vancouver i can smell it
only been there once. It was nice though...from what i can remember. Lots of shops...The weird thing about canada is that everywhere you go, the pedestrians have the right of way.
all pedistrains seem to think so but some city drivers im not too sure...