hack hack cough cough
dreams have been going off the richter scale the past few days.
i dreamt i was at a party and this girl was offering me male birth control, yet i don't know if i actually took the mysterious pill that was given to me. the dream ended before i had the chance.
would any of you guys out there take male birth control?
i think i would, though a vasectomy would settle that problem real quick.
sniffle, hack hack cough.
dreams have been going off the richter scale the past few days.
i dreamt i was at a party and this girl was offering me male birth control, yet i don't know if i actually took the mysterious pill that was given to me. the dream ended before i had the chance.
would any of you guys out there take male birth control?
i think i would, though a vasectomy would settle that problem real quick.
sniffle, hack hack cough.